User:CoolPerson1258/World of Warcraft: The Sword of Sargeras

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The Sword of Sargeras is the final raid of A Healing World located in Silithus


The Gaping Wound


This Azerite elemental has risen from the rubble to exact its ire on any living creature it can find

Maiden of Verdict

Assumed to have been destroyed upon the sword's impact with Azeroth, the Maiden of Verdict has been tainted by the leaking corruption of Sargeras. It now deems all entities as unworthy of existence, and will see to their executions.

Master Extractor Ircen

The Darksurge realizes the potential of Azerite, and have begun extracting it from the breach of the sword. Under the command of Ircen, they are nearly capable of leveling the whole of Silithus with the planet's blood at hand

Darksurge Dwelling


Kault's forces assemble in the Wretched Conclave, where Dwilik inspires them with dark fervor


Masterless, this Aqir wandered the wastes of Silithus until he came upon the Darksurge's operations at the base of the great sword. They offered him a great deal of power, in exchange for his help collecting remnants of darkness below the ground

Legionnaire Kault

Executor Vilpox

The original Vilpox has waited in the Sword of Sargeras, gathering enough strength to attain immortality

Vestibule of Corruption

Zaqx the Sadistic

Magistrix Bryla

Tenebrosity Triad

The Burning Hilt

Oyvis the Eliminator


Sarr, the Despicable Tyrant

Supreme Reaper's Ire

Supreme Reaper Vixa