User:CoolPerson1258/Wings of Protection

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Wings of Protection is a raid located in Vemex.


Wing 1: Courtyard of Observance

Champions of battle spar and train within the courtyard, where they wait to impose order on the surrounding lands

Military Advisor Detrin

Detrin oversees the armies of Vemex, ushering them forth into the lands of Orantus. His troops roam every street and search every corner to oppress any who would stand against the sovereignty.

Willem the Iron-Willed

Willem has paved a path of glory through his service to Vemex, even being recognized by Azaxia as an invaluable asset to her expanding influence. Willem doesn't intend to fail her, and his will is that of iron.

Vilix, Machine of Order

Created soon after Kil'brek's execution, the Machine of Order was intended to help usher in a new era of peace and prosperity. After Sovereign Azaxia assumed control of Vemex, she made promises of a better age to come. However, that has only led her to order the refurbishment of Vilix... who has become a deadly weapon in her deadly arsenal.

Wing 2: Sovereign's Arsenal

The clutch of the wings conceals many of Azaxia's secrets, lying in wait to destroy any who impose her reign

The Vemexian Watch

The prime champions of Azaxia have been called to the bastion, bringing an armada of destruction with them.


Created by the Grand Inquisitor, Shinelight acts as a beacon for the city. Able to signal allies or blind foes, Shinelight stays loyal to his creator.

Grand Inquisitor Retford

Renowned battle-priest and close advisor to Azaxia, Retford takes great pride in his work of powering Vemex with his light. Aware of the recent actions of intruders, he has ascended to his study to gather the strength he requires.

Wing 3: The Radiant Retribution

Azaxia prepares to usher her final command, one that could very well shake the foundations of Orantus


Titanicos is a towering colossus of great strength, having served Vemex in its greatest hours of need. This being remains loyal to what he believes is an unfortunate, yet necessary cause.

Sovereign Azaxia

Azaxia, the Sovereign of Vemex and soon-to-be of all of Orantus, rose to power extremely quickly through the promise of continental peace. This quickly spiraled into fear, paranoia, and utter control of what she saw as unknown. She is willing to do anything she must to ensure war never comes to Orantus again, even if her methods have descended into depravity.