User:CoolPerson1258/Darksurge Citadel

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Darksurge Citadel
Location Crays
End boss Dark-Liege Eranalk
Instance info
Type Raid
Player limit 10-30

Tenant D'qwosa


The Aether-Drinker

Variole, the Grim Observer

Ionic Creation

Executor Vilpox

Kargan the Ruthless

Panel of Ruin

Luhvali the Vassal

Dark-Liege Eranalk

Darksurge Citadel is a raid located in Crays


Adventure Guide


The Aetherfold

Darkness gathers within the atrium of the citadel where hungering creatures tread, waiting to be set free.

Tenant D'qwosa

While not a part of the Darksurge herself, D’qwosa works closely with them in exchange for amplified power and influence


Waiting in the darkness of the citadel is a beast, born out of pure darkness, desiring the taste of pure flesh

The Aether-Drinker

Toiling away at the cauldron, The Aether-Drinker concocts dangerously potent magic with questionable outcomes

Configuration Compound

The vast and complex inner-workings of the citadel are sacred to the Darksurge, preserved by loyal yet crazed sycophants.

Variole, the Grim Observer

The inner-workings of the citadel prove to be both dangerous and volatile. The Grim Observer takes great pride in ensuring everything works as intended to his master's design

Ionic Creation

When Vilpox first began experimenting with cloning, he inadvertently created a seeping mound of fluid. Discarded thereafter, this monstrosity waits for a window to break free from the compound

Executor Vilpox

Within the Configuration Compound, Vilpox creates multiple clones to improve his longevity far past Azeroth's denizens

Liege's Grace

The armies of Eranalk oversee Crays from these ramparts. Here, his most devoted champions ready themselves for a deadly attack on Orantus.

Kargan the Ruthless

Eranalk lets this hulking terror run rampant around the citadel to pick off unwanted entities who have made it within the hallowed walls of the citadel

Panel of Ruin

The Panel of Ruin act as Eranalk’s most prized champions in battle. Ghastrel relishes victory with elegance and pride, Vivi laughs as she renders armies to dust and Cairon always cherishes a good find from the many corpses he scavenges…

Luhvali the Vassal

Appointed with the task of taking Orantus and securing an artifact the Dark-Liege needs to summon an ancient god, Luhvali intends to usher in an age of darkness for the lands of Azeroth

The Darkened Storm

Dark-Liege Eranalk enters final preparations to cloud Orantus in a storm of darkness once and for all... and claim the power he seeks.

Dark-Liege Eranalk


  • Early Bosses: Tenant D'qwosa, Azphirn, The Aetherdrinker
  • Middle Bosses: Variole, the Grim Observer, Ionic Creation, Kargan the Ruthless, Panel of Ruin
  • Wing Bosses: Executor Vilpox, Luhvali the Vassal
  • Final Bosses: Dark-Liege Eranalk