User:CoolPerson1258/Apexis Spires

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Apexis Spires is the second raid of World of Warcraft: Empire of Infinity located in Ishkarian Glade


The Great Refinery

The Arakkoa toil endlessly to ensure the Apexis Spires are secured with the power of the apexis and the sun to wield against their enemies below

Rafit, Wind's Edge

Rafit, the Sky-Commander of the Arakkoan Armies, is the watcher of the grand spires. None have been able to escape his sight, as he descends upon them in a fury of gale winds


An embodiment of the sun's blazing heat, the elemental is hot enough to melt bone

Apexis-Shaper Erokk

Erokk has dedicated her life to understanding the true nature of the apexis crystals. Through this work, she has advanced the Arakkoan Empire's vast knowledge and infrastructure to include a wide array of terrifying apexis armaments

Shathik, Lord of the Sun

Having conducted a ritual to transform into pure solar energy, Shathik is ready to bring the true ideals of the Arakkoa to light

The Bloodboil

Down below, Sethe's chosen gather in vast numbers to corrupt the fallen arakkoa, and ultimately bring about the rise of blood

Ilikyx the Chosen

Ilikyx the Chosen has been bestowed the honor of becoming the next bloodwarden, where he will protect the bloodied armies below.

The Blistering Few

Vaskir, Taryx and Cozzik are depraved ritualists who have succumbed to centuries of contamination of the pestilent energies surrounding them

Avatar of Sethe

Although not Sethe in physical form, a manifestation of the ancient god has been created through the willing sacrifice of numerous zealots. Now, Sethe has the means to extract vengeance on the non-believers

Wrath of the Arakkoa

In the upper reaches of the spires, only those with Ishkar's favor are allowed. Those who are not permitted will succumb to the wrath of the Arakkoa

Ishkar's Talons

Ishkar's most elite guard protect the upper-palace ring, their sharp wings await flesh to cut through

Burnbeak and Darkgale

Philosopher Mordormu

Madness of Ishkar
