User:Coobra/Coobra's pets

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This page contains all the beasts Coobra Farsight has commanded in battle.

In order of appearance.


Spot on a cat-apult.

This was the first companion. Tamed at level 10 in Teldrassil this spotted nightsaber quickly became Coobra's best friend and companion. Through ups and downs, Spot remained loyal for the several years that followed. He has many adventures on the first realm we lived on (none that come to mind), but after arriving on the realm Malfurion Spot had been fully knowledgable of Onyxia's Lair, Molten Core, and even some of Blackwing Lair. However, as the raids occured more often feeding and maintaining Spot became more of a chore then it could have been. It wasn't long before newly acquired Darkspitter replaced Spot in raids. Spot remained watched over in the stables, every so often making appearances in battlegrounds.

Soon after TBC was released (due to lack of stable slots) Spot was retired altogether, to make room for new beasts to be tamed and learned from.


Found and tamed while in Zul'Gurub, this wind serpent replaced Spot as Coobra's raiding pet. This beast was tamed due to its liking on conjured bread and its unqiue changing of its color between red, orange, and green. Whenever ZG was wanted to be raided you could bet that Darkspitter and Coobra would be there, but only for the near last part that would soon cause pain. In the section right before Hakkar Darkspitter's brothers and sisters would come to kill the raid, Darkspitter would be ordered to attack. Most times the warriors and rogues would get confused and start chasing after Darkspitter thinking it was trying to escape, or had been fear. Often times they would try to remember it was Darkspitter and not just some beast they could kill, but that would change when Darkspitter changed his color leaving the raid members to forget once again. Complaints came to be a normal thing, but only while in Zul'Gurub, if in Molten Core Darkspitter was happy to be seen, as he would go forth and pull groups of lava packs or bosses to the main chamber to be killed. Eventually It was decided that a new beast was to be required for such things, one that could take a hit and live, but also be easy to feed. Darkspitter was then replaced by new acquired Skully for raiding and in just general use.

After the release of TBC, Darkspitter was ultimately retired to make room for new beasts that became available.


She's so happy.


Look, he's smiling.


A.K.A. flappy.


Just a little rebellious at the moment.