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Faction Dynamics are a system of narrative and player progression for World of Warcraft: The Waking Dream.



The Nightmare's invasion has caused not only the collapse of the Dream physically, but socially, as well. The various factions that held dominion over the land were once in a tenable, timeless peace for eons. Now, this balance has been broken. The Dream has almost entirely fallen into the oblivion of the Ephemeral Sea, the Nightmare's corruption festers behind every thought, and the Wake spurns the growth of new empires. If left to their own devices, these factions will engage each other in ceaseless war as the true enemy grips ever tighter to the soul of the planet. In the wreckage of the collapse, the players unite the disparate armies of Azeroth, the Green Dragonflight, and the children of Cenarius into the Emerald Vanguard. This sovereign union will spread across the Dream to not only eradicate the forces of Nightmare and stabilize what remains of the Dream, but reach out to the broken remains of those that remain.

Factions and reputation will play a much different role in World of Warcraft: The Waking Dream, being a core component of not only the narrative but character progression. Within the Dream, ideas and thought have tangible qualities, and through the forging of unions and loyalties players will benefit greatly. Working with the different factions will reward the player not only with reputation with that faction, but they will gain Unity, as well. Unity represents the culpable power of the Emerald Dream, earned through making alliances, and at different levels of Unity will unlock Bonds, points that can be distributed to different factions to better benefit to strengthen the ties between them. These include improvements to specific abilities and other general upgrades, and as more bonds are formed between the player and the specific faction, the stronger these bonuses become.

Within the Faction Dynamics window will also be space to put Faction Relics. Similar to Artifact Relics, Faction Relics are additional pieces of gear that apply unique bonuses to the player and are specific to each faction. They will initially augment the basic bonuses given to player given to them by that faction, but as more bonds made (and better relics are found), these bonuses can be further improved, often at the player's choice. Players cannot have 2 relics of the same faction.

For example, the Heruli relic, Gwynn's Hunting Horn, will improve the 1-2 bonuses that are baseline to the Heruli faction, such as increased critical strike damage or improved armor. As you place more bonds into the Heruli faction, you will unlock more and better bonuses, sometimes specific to your class, that this Relic can be used to improve.

Bonds will have a role to play with Vestiges.


  • Emerald Vanguard: The union of the Green Dragonflight, the Children of Cenarius, and those of the Waking World. Based in Eran'Amir.
  • Troupe of Osier: Those of the awakened heruli that defy Gwynn's visions of an empire and continue to side with Wodan, Wild God of the Hunt. Based in Tal'Theril Woodlands.
  • Amber Circle: After the destruction of Mashan'she's largest druidic lodge, this union of redeemed centaurs and quillboar, led by the Druids of the Fang, have taken their place. Based in Mashan'she.
  • Courts of Fey: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. The Courts of Fey were believed to have had a purpose in the distant past, but this knowledge has been lost, replaced first by whimsy and now with hedonism. Based in Arborheight.
  • Rawheart Lodge: Descendents of the jalgar, the furbolg bear-men have spread throughout the Dream, but their roots lie within a great subterranean world. With the collapse, they have begun their exodus home. Rawheart Lodge is what remains of the furbolg mystics, keepers of their knowledge. Based in Vorlassar Sierra.
  • Antheran Hegemony: The moth-folk are reclusive at best and xenophobic at worst, and their sense of unity as a species is unclear. However, they are fervent worshippers of Elune, and will reciprocate whatever kindness they can find. Based in Urs'var Barrow.
  • Sleepless Returners: All Unwaking bear a mark, haunted by visions of realities that never were. And yet, their corruption has given them a connection to the Nightmare deeper than most can tolerate. The more Unwaking are freed, the more we can understand the vision of an Old God. Based in the Sleepless Edge.
  • Fomorians: The touch of the Titans on the Dream was purposefully minimal, but perhaps they were too subtle. At some point in the distant past, all communication ceased. Their mechanized servants have waited patiently for the call to arms, but perhaps a more forceful touch is needed to rouse them. Based in Ivyspine Coast.
  • First Progeny: This is the name we call them, as they predate such things. The First Progeny are formed from all manner of beasts born from the wild heart of nature, from mighty wolves and wise owls to cunning foxes and unassuming rodents. Intelligent yet with an entirely different perception of the world, the First Progeny understand that something is upsetting the balance of nature. To bond with them, one must give forgo higher thought and surrender to instinct, for some things in the Dream can only be seen through wilder eyes.