User:Beluriel/The Slave Pens

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The Slave Pens
Location Coilfang Reservoir, Zangarmarsh
Broken Broken
NagaNaga Naga
End boss Blood Prince Kelrath
Instance info
Type Dungeon
Level 92-93 (Heroic Mode - 100)
Player limit 5


As a gesture of goodwill between the Illidari and the Coilfang Naga, Lady Serena Scarscale, Matron of Coilfang, have given control of the Slave Pens to Blood Prince Kelrath and his Darkfallen underlings. Shortly after, Kelrath led his Darkfallen forces to capture and subsequently mentally subjugate the leaders of the various Broken tribes, effectively allowing them to re-enslave the Broken. Now, within the Slave Pens, the Broken toil unceasingly on various projects, overseen by their naga and Darkfallen masters.

While it is a fact that the Broken are now once again slaves, rumours are flying that not all the Broken are held in the Slave Pens against their will. For the only way the enemy could easily subjugate an entire race was that one of the Broken chiefs must have had sold out his entire race for power...


IconSmall Broken Male.gif Taalnu the Turncloak

The traitorous chief of the Wastewalker tribe who sold out his people.

IconSmall Lich Female.gif Baroness Taliradia

Once a darkfallen, Taliradia has transformed into a mighty lich.

IconSmall San'layn Prince.gif Blood Prince Kelrath

Kelrath is the Overlord of Zangarmarsh and has been given the task of bringing the denizens of Zangarmarsh to heel.

Dungeon Denizens