User:Beluriel/Kovaanos,Warden of Hellfire

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MobKovaanos, Warden of Hellfire
No image available
Race Draenei
Level 91 elite Boss
Location Incarceration Chamber , Hellfire Containment: Secundus
Status Killable

When the Sha'tar had imprisoned Kael'thas' loyalist blood elves after the Battle of Sunwell Plateau, they appointed a number of Draenei guards to watch over the prisoners for the rest of their days. Their captain was Kovaanos, the Warden of Hellfire. Unlike most Draenei, Kovaanos was particularly brutal and sadistic for his race. He took pleasure in trying to break the spirit of his prisoners through abuse and torture. When the Illidari Resurgence broke in and slain his fellow wardens, the San'layn Blood Prince Theraldis took control of his mind and body. In an ironic twist, the Warden of Hellfire has become a prisoner in his very own mind.


Kovaanos, Warden of Hellfire uses the following abilities.

  • Ability warrior sunder.png Sunder Armor  —  Sunders the target, causing Weakened Armor, weakening the armor of the target by 15% for 20 seconds. Stacks to 4.
  • Inv shield 05.png Shield Slam  —  Kovaanos slams the target with his shield, dealing Physical damage and stunning the target for 2 seconds.
  • Ability warrior charge.png Surge — Kovaanos charges at a player, inflicting Physical damage to them and all players within 0 yards, knocking them all back.
  • Ability rogue feint.png Flash of Steel — Kovaanos rapidly shifts around the battlefield, attacking random players and inflicting Physical damage every time he strikes.

The Image of Blood Prince Theraldis has full control over Kovaanos as if he were a puppet. While he is untargetable, Theraldis will cast spells to support Kovaanos and will only retreat when Kovaanos is defeated.

  • Spell shadow shadesofdarkness.png Void Zone  —  Theraldis summons a Void Zone, a black circle of radius of 3 yards that deals Shadow damage to enemies that stand within it. The Void Zone will last for 2 minutes.
  • Spell shadow charm.png Might of the Darkfallen  —  Theraldis fills Kovaanos with the Might of the Darkfallen, increasing his damage and attack speed by 15%. Stacks to 99


Kovaanos will use all his abilities throughout the encounter. Spread out so as to avoid multiple players getting knocked back by Surge. However, the main danger is Theraldis. Avoid the Void Zones he places around the room and defeat Kovaanos before he gains too many stacks of Might of the Darkfallen.

Heroic Mode

  • Theraldis casts Might of the Darkfallen more often.


Intro upon entering the Incarceration Chamber
  • Image of Blood Prince Theraldis yells: Ah, our guests have arrived. Come Kovaanos, watch as they slaughter your comrades. Ahahahaha!
  • Kovaanos, Warden of Hellfire yells: N-no! I... must...
  • Image of Blood Prince Theraldis yells: Hrumph! They went through those worthless Draenei faster than I thought. No matter, the good Warden will ensure that your deaths will be swift.
  • Kovaanos, Warden of Hellfire yells: I'm s-sorry! I... I c-cannot resist... him!
First cast of Might of the Darkfallen
  • Image of Blood Prince Theraldis yells: You should feel honored that the power of the Darkfallen flows through your veins, Kovaanos!
Killing a player
  • Image of Blood Prince Theraldis yells: Too easy...
  • Image of Blood Prince Theraldis yells: Foolish interlopers. You are no match for the San'layn!
Kovaanos' death
  • Image of Blood Prince Theraldis yells: Tchh... Even with my power you were defeated. You were weak. Pathetic.
  • Kovaanos, Warden of Hellfire yells: Free... at last... Thank... you.
  • Image of Blood Prince Theraldis yells: Well then, I have other pressing matters to attend to. I will leave your extermination to Relchar and his Dawnrage. Should you survive, we'll meet again...