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A halfling (hobbit):
"I may not exist yet, but I will, just as soon as I submit this resume to Blizzard".

Halfling is a race that does not exist in the Warcraft universe as separate from Gnomes. The Dungeons & Dragons version was not adapted to the Warcraft RPG as it was deemed that they did not fit into the Warcraft setting.[1]


  • Halfling is the common name used by humans for the Hobbit race in J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth stories; most notably The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien's Hobbits are generally rural farmers and not particularly adventurous.
  • Halfling is one of the standard playable races in the D&D RPG settings, where it is specifically a different race than Gnomes. In the original version of D&D they were Hobbits by name, but threats of legal action forced a name change to the generic halfling.
    • Over the course of the three editions of AD&D and D&D 4th Edition, the race has further diverged from Tolkien's vision. With the Dark Sun game world portraying them as cannibalistic barbarians, and the core game portraying them as adventurous acrobats.
