User:Ashbear160/CDev Questions

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Human Kingdom During the last few CDEV Question and Answers players asked questions about Alterac, Stromgarde and Kul Tiras. With a great respect to your previous answers, you replied that Kul'Tiras won't be visible during the beginning of Cataclysm and that we'll learn about how Alterac and Stromguarde faced the Cataclysm. Kul Tiras still has yet to appear in game, and the state of Alterac and Strom' was disappointing (with the exception of the undeath state of Prince Galen and a small base in Arathi) and those zones were largely untouched... Will we ever get to find out more information about those kingdoms in Mists of Pandaria?
Sargeras Are there any other sources of strong energy that could manifest Sargeras (like Well of Eternity did?)
Spellbreakers It was mentioned before that the Spellbreakers ceased to exist upon retreating to Quel'danas and were refusing to train any more members. Why is this? Would it not have been more logical to simply say they were absorbed into the ranks of the Blood Knights, who after all employ a very similar heavy melee, magic-infused fighting style?
Elf, High How do the very sparsely populated High Elves and Blood Elves view Vereesa's and Alleria's marriage to Humans and then proclaiming them to be their racial champions?
Orc At the Dark Portal there is what appears to be a Fel Orc and a speculated Chaos Orc. Are there more Chaos/fel Orcs in the Horde after the fall of the Fel Horde in Outland or is this a simple error?
Garithos From what Human kingdom was Garithos from and how did he end up in such a position of power? How did he have the authority to have the blood elves executed? Some more general background info on him would be nice.
Ebon Blade Is the plague cauldron in the Ebon Enclave an oversight or do the Ebon Blade purposely allow it to carry on plaguing.
Elf, Blood What is the Sin'dorei's view on the afterlife? We haven't much mention of it other than one slight hint from High Astromancer Solorian with her death quote: "The warmth of the Sun awaits." Do they believe their souls go to Belore, or perhaps something else?
Demon Chain How did Narkrall Rakeclaw (a Dragonmaw questgiver in Twilight Highlands) get hold of the Demon Chain? The Demon chain was the elementium chain that held the Demon Soul. Did the Dragonmaw seperate it from the Soul when Zuluhed gave the Demon Soul (And the chain, as they were still intact together) to Nekros Skullcrusher?
Elf, Blood The Blood Elves starter zone has a small series of quests which ended with the Dwarf ambassador being killed because a captain denounced him as a spy and saboteur after the destruction of a Sanctum. The same Sanctum is involved in a slightly different series of quests where we find out it is very overloaded, in a dangerous state of disrepair and the officer in charge had warned of the dangers of continuing to use it unless it was repaired/maintained. While it seems apparent that the Dwarven Ambassador was involved with the Night Elves, the question remains if the Sanctum was sabotaged? If so, why sabotage a failing system? Was this a case of the Captain recognizing his failure to maintain the Sanctum properly and deflecting blame onto someone else?

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