User:Ashbear160/Archive/Bourboun Cowboy answers

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212 KB Warcraft. Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg No.84793174

Ask me anything about Warcraft's lore and story. Can't answer anything about future developments, but anything current or in the past is fair game.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)07:57 No.84793230

Is Calia Menethil dead?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)07:59 No.84793271 File :1295873940710.jpg-(212 KB, 810x1000, deathwingface.jpg) 212 KB

Isn't Falstad dead?

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)08:01 < No.84793359

>>84793230 Yeah, there's no plans to do anything with her. There was a scene in the Christie's Arthas novel that ended up on the cutting room floor that explained what happened to her, but it was cut because it sidelined the main plot too much.

>>84793271 No, I heard he survived.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:02 No.84793390

>>84793359 What was the scene?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:03 No.84793446


The horde RPG more or less confirmed that she is alive

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:04 No.84793490 File :1295874291941.jpg-(157 KB, 763x604, 1290245530945.jpg) 157 KB



>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)08:08 < No.84793641

>>84793390 Yeah, if memory serves it was either Captain Falric of Marwyn who killed Arthas' sister and mother. It was a cool scene, but it needed to go like so many others unfortunately.

>>84793446 Yeah, that's the thing. All lore is canon, but we consider some lore more canon than others if you catch my drift?

>>84793490 Man, that's brutal stuff!

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:10 No.84793724

Why is Al'Akir with Deathwing? How did Sinestra return? Where's Pandaria? What are the djinn?

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)08:19 < No.84794062

>>84793724 Al'Akir is interesting because we never truly kind out was his machinations are. He's a bit bi-polar in many respects. Deathwing and Ol'Gusty have an accord where they agree to "You leave me alone, I'll leave you alone?". There's no deep sense of loyalty behind their agreement.

As for Sinestra, an Old God did it.

Think about it: If you were an ancient race of panda bears that had close trade links with the kaldorei, you would surely be located somewhere near a major Night Elf territory. There's more to come with Pandaria. Watch this space...

>>84793724 The djinni are basically the aristocracy of the air elemental society. Smarter than your average elemental and have a massive god-complex.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:23 No.84794221

Why does Blizzard ignore the story forums?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:30 No.84794453

If all races on the planet turned to flesh due to the curse of flesh invoked by the old gods, then how all the animals are flesh and how does that explain the organic species that populate the universe, like the burning legion and outland.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:31 No.84794502

what place do pistols have in warcraft lore?

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)08:40 < No.84794858

>>84794221 We really don't, dude. I assure you we do regulary read the official forums (and other websites like this one for example). We definitely take into account your feedback. As for direct responses, it gets a little more tricky. It's a goal of mine to answer more questions and try to put more of the community's focus on the lore.

>>84794453 The Curse of Flesh isn't some kind of omnipotent ailment that affects all living creatures. It is specifically created by the Old Gods to corrupt Titan creations. Titans didn't create all life in the universe, only parts of it. Check Un'Goro and Sholozar are good examples of Azeroth's organic life before the Titans arrived.

>>84794502 Yeah, they have a role to play, but they're not the next evolution in combat in Azeroth. They're meant to be steam-punky, unreliable and explosive to use. We're not quite in the Industrial Revolution yet, so start taking up archery if you want something you can rely on!

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)08:41 < No.84794900

Man, I need my coffee this morning. Grammar's dun goofed.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:42 No.84794986

>>84794858 pistols were included in the orignal world of warcraft, a dwarf one

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:45 No.84795080

How was Teron invited to become the first death knight?

Also, why did the Broken mutate into Draenei?

Why don't we see many Thrallmar orcs in Azeroth?

How was Vash'jir formed?

How did Deathwing 'break' through the maelstrom and out of Deepholm, considering that those are 2 completely different planes of existance?

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)09:02 < No.84795859

>>84794986 Yeah, outside of the Dwarves, Goblins and I suppose a couple of kick-ass Gnomes, pistols aren't that widely used yet. I mean, why risk having your arm blown off when you can just learn how to shoot fireballs instead?

>>84795080 About Teron, basically Gul'dan was on his last legs. He had royally screwed the Horde over and was very close to being made an example of. He came up with a scheme to use the decaying corpses of slain knights of Stormwind and used necromatic powers to imbue their bodies with the spirits of the sickest and most twisted orc spirits. There weren't many sicker than Teron Gorefiend, a true sociopath even by Orc standards. He was from the first generation of Death Knight.

About the Draenei, it's more the other way around. The Draenei have an intrinsic link with the Light, but what happens when that link is severed by doubt or tragedy? Without the Light keeping them holy(so to speak), their bodies become more rudimentary and prone to mutation. This was how the Broken came to be.

About Thrallmar, they're still kicking around Outland cleaning up the mess we left after the Burning Legion was kicked out. If you're referring to the Mag'har orcs, we are slowly seeing Garrosh bring them back into the fold of Horde society. To Garrosh, the original brown, uncorrupted orcs are what all orcs should strive to be once more.

Vashj'ir was Lady Vashj's home before the world went pear-shaped at the Sundering. Whatever power Queen Azshara made a deal with, they surely have some connection to the sea and the tides. That and the centuries of decay slowly turned the once beautiful city into what it is now.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:45 No.84795080

How was Teron invited to become the first death knight?

Also, why did the Broken mutate into Draenei?

Why don't we see many Thrallmar orcs in Azeroth?

How was Vash'jir formed?

How did Deathwing 'break' through the maelstrom and out of Deepholm, considering that those are 2 completely different planes of existance? >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:46 No.84795129

What are your plans with Sylvanas?

What about that weird overpowered chick you encountered as a lowbie Forsaken that ends up annihilating the last remnants of the Scarlet Crusade? Are we going to see more of her? >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:50 No.84795331


Do you really think we believe this is Chris Metzen?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)08:54 No.84795542

Sylvannas was turned from a kind lady general to a victimized undead leader. That's fine. Why, however, was she suddenly turned into the embodiment of evil, when she wants to kill everyone, take over Gillneas, and doesn't even care for slaves and her own people like in Pit of Saron when she was pleased at the deaths of the slaves by the frost queen, and in the frozen halls when her own men fell or so.

I wonder what the future holds for the undead in the horde, due to the mistrust and Sylvannas rogue intentions.

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)09:08 < No.84796113

>>84795080 Deathwing was essentially the janitor of the Titans. He kept all the metaphorical keys and was allowed to access the elemental planes. Now, there's this ancient artifact called the World Pillar that I believe you get to see in the new leveling zone. What it does is make sure that the elemental planes and Azeroth remain forever seperate. When Deathwing got pissed in Deepholm and decided to go out world-destroying, his first target was to shatter that artifact and then return to Azeroth. The Maelstrom represents the metaphysical core of the planet so that's why the link between worlds is there.

>>84795129 I can't go into specifics or else risk the wrath of the company sniper squad, but there are definite plans going on with Sylvanas. After Arthas was slain, how did Sylvanas change and why? Is she truly herself anymore and are there hidden forces at play here? That's a very interesting hook that's going to be explored in the future.

As for that Forsaken chick, forgive me if I get the name wrong but I believe she's called Lillian Voss? I don't know if we'll be seeing much of her, but who knows? Rather, look at what she represents: A Forsaken that is out to take what they want, when they want. We'll definitely be seeing more of the Forsaken.

>>84795331 The one and only, babe.

>>84795542 Like I say, stuff is going on with Sylvanas. Not all is as it seems. That's all I can say.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:06 No.84796032

Is Illidan coming back?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:10 No.84796195

If you are truly metzen, then you shall make your way into and record us some delicious Ragnaros or Mr. Smite clips.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:11 No.84796260 File :1295878309915.jpg-(315 KB, 588x460, anger intense.jpg) 315 KB

>My face when you use the same kind of lazy and laidback language that you used at Blizzcon online too!

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:14 No.84796357

Is Magni dead? >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:15 No.84796422

Also, what other stuff was cut from the Arthas and Shattering novel?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:16 No.84796459

Why does Lady Sinestra look nothing like her old model in Shadowmoon Valley?

Why does Lady Sinestra look nothing like a dragon, but rather a Jorumungar with arms?

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)09:24 < No.84796800

>>84796032 I wouldn't think so. He's had a good run, I think it's best to leave it at that. That horse has long since been flogged to death.

>>84796195 You know, sometimes I just think you use me for my vocal box.

>>84796260 Apologies man. Born and raised like this, I can talk seriously when I truly have to but I prefer to communicate in the same way as I would in casual conversation.

>>84796357 He's out of action, sure. Again, this is frustrating because specifics are dangerous. What I can say is that we haven't seen a funeral for him just yet.

>>84796422 Well, Christie would be a better target than me. I only looked over a couple of drafts and wasn't heavily involved in the actual writing process. What I can recall was that there was more of Vol'jin and Velen in the Shattering novel, but it had to be cut for focus. Yogg-Saron had a little cameo in Arthas at one point, too.

>>84796459 Well, back then there was never the resources to give her her own unique model. She's been bumped up the priority list since then. And don't be too harsh on her appearance, that old girl's been battered black and blue so many times. Deathwing was into domestic abuse.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:18 No.84796542

Why does every dragon in this game look like a damn blood elf when they're in their human form?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:20 No.84796601 File :1295878813822.jpg-(76 KB, 401x729, 1zq8oqw.jpg) 76 KB

>>84796542 Deathwing himself doesn't. >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:21 No.84796660

Why did you give Arthas such a stupid death?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:22 No.84796686

Where the fuck is Nozdormu? The one fucking being that can stop all of this, and he is nowhere to be found. I read somewhere that he is the one behind the infinite, using them somehow. I've also heard he is doing anything to stop his own death, I forget where, is this true? Is the emerald nightmare an old god corruption? I would assume that if the emerald dream and azeroth were mirror images of each other with the exception of self-aware races, that the eemerald dream would also have an old god. Or is it that stupid fucking bird we fought during the druid quest for epic flight? Seems like a huge pussy of a creature to make the green aspect and malfurion flee the dream.

Also, we need more epic lines like we had from AQ20

>"Fandral! Your time has come! Go and hide in the Emerald Dream and pray we never find you!"

quit fucking teasing us with the emerald dream

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)09:39 < No.84797457

>>84796542 Most dragons are quite egotistical. Why turn into an old dwarf lady when you can turn into something a bit more aesthetically pleasing?

>>84796601 Probably the most kickass model we've made in some time, I agree.

>>84796660 What problems did you have with it? I've noticed this a few times; people seem to think Arthas was the be-all and end-all of Warcraft. The universe is much bigger than that Lordaeron prince. Personally, I liked it. I think what truly scared him at his end is the realization that there was nothing waiting for him; that the only fate that awaits him is the cold, dark abyss. Don't get me wrong, I love me a good redemption story but Arthas had to die. Interestingly, we were still debating how exactly to handle his death right up until patch 3.2.

>>84796686 Nozdormu's keeping himself busy. Whatever is able to distract a Dragon Aspect for so long must be something very important. That's a hook we're exploring with the Aspects: the family's been broken for so long and what are the consequences of that? I'd dare say that we're gonna need one champion to bring the family back together and focus them on their true task once more.

About the Emerald Nightmare, yeah, it originates from this dude called N'Zoth. I think we mention him somewhere in the Twilight Highlands if I recall correctly. The Emerald Dream is basically the Titans' blueprint of what Azeroth should have been, before the Old God's corruption. I'd imagine the Old Gods tried to worm their way in there just as a way of giving the finger to the Pantheon. We dealt with the Dream a little in one of our books recently, but we're definitely not done with it just yet.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:26 No.84796863

wtf happened to turalyon?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:26 No.84796884 File :1295879196342.jpg-(82 KB, 644x1342, 1289050307114.jpg) 82 KB

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:26 No.84796892

What happened to Woo Ping?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:28 No.84796982

Playable naga as a race.

Naga sided with the horde in Warcraft 3, why can't horde have naga as a playable race? Now that Lady Vashj is dead, not EVERY naga is bound to serve her or Ashara anymore.

the alliance can have some other race. Panderan springs into mind >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:30 No.84797083

>>84796800 What do you mean you didn't have the resources to make a model when you're swimming in money?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:34 No.84797248

Will the Lich king (old and new) ever be used again?

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)09:45 < No.84797789

>>84796863 At the end of the Second War and when Draenor was falling apart, Turalyon managed to escape the destruction by the skin of his teeth. Where is he at now? Who knows? What task could a former Supreme Commander of the Alliance and Paladin dedicate himself to in his strange new location? Hmm...

>>84796884 I don't I'm ever going to live that one down.

>>84796982 Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the Naga ever aligned themselves with the Horde ever. That being said, what's going on with Kul Tiras lately, I wonder...

>>84796892 Sorry to admit it but I had to Google him there. I don't think he's going to play a major role any time soon, despite how awesomely named he is.

>>84797083 As good as it would be, an important aspect of game design is to know what you can do and what you can't do. We have to have a sense of priorities. Giving unique models to every B-List character sadly isn't feasible, no matter how much money is thrown at it.

>>84797248 The Lich King situation is pretty frustrating for me at the moment. There's good vibes about what I SHOULD do, but there's other factors limiting what I CAN do. Sadly, because we've just left Northrend we're not able to explore what's going on there(and Outland) for a couple of months yet. What I can say is that it is on my mind and we will be bringing that place and all it's major movers and shakers up to date.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:43 No.84797688

>>84797457 But that doesn't make sense... I thought the creations of the pantheon were very mechanical or construct in nature. Like golems and stone creatures and such. And the emerald dream is very nature-related. Very much flesh and bone creatures inhabiting that plane of existence, I thought. If that is what the creators wanted azeroth to be, then why is the "curse of flesh" a big deal? >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:41 No.84797611

>>84797457 Why the hell did you place a giant spoiler statue with a movie in the middle of Dalaran when people are still leveling and/or haven't killed him in Icecrown.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:47 No.84797880

>>84797457 Not sure how well he can bring the aspects back together... Red and green are already working together, blue is dead, black is hell bent on destroying the world.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:49 No.84797964

Why are you so sex? :3

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:49 No.84797984

Is Sinestra still alive like KJ?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:51 No.84798105

This is why we need real writers to do some game lore instead of this utter fucking tripe. Blizzard's quality of writing is just horrid. Like reading book reports from a D average 8th grader who thinks pot is a great way to expand his conciousness.

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)10:02 < No.84798595

>>84797688 Conceptually, the Emerald Dream is hard to explain. Imagine Earth had there not been any humans or other intelligent life messing things up? A world of wild growth where nature reigned supreme. Now throw in some magic, corporeal spirits and a couple of green dragons and you have the Emerald Dream. The Old Gods and their Curse of Flesh represent everything that is wrong with Azeroth's life. The Titans believe in order above all else. They go so far as limit the freedom of their own creations to preserve their idea of what life should be. The Curse gives their creation the means to differentiate from their creators' plans.

>>84797611 Basically, it's a way of showing those that can't raid what happened to Arthas. It's for gameplay purposes only.

>>84797880 That's it! What will it take to reunite the family? Will we be seeing new Aspects anytime soon? Will some new figures stepping up to fill some very big shoes?

>>84797964 Just think positive and good things will happen. That's my philosophy, hun.

>>84797984 Yeah, she's probably not gonna be coming back anytime soon. She's been beaten one too many times. Big KJ on the other hand, that rascal is definitely up to something!

>>84798105 You want some fantastic literature, go read some Shakespeare or write your own.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:54 No.84798230

How fucking pissed is Sargeras going to be when he comes back and learned that Kil'jaeden tried to take his spot.

Unless he came back already, in the same sense he came back as Mediev.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:58 No.84798397 File :1295881087620.jpg-(18 KB, 527x401, oookay3.jpg) 18 KB

For the love of fuck, please make Pandaren and Ethereals playable races.

No one cares about worgen except for humping in Goldshire on RP servers. Pandaren are a bro race, and Ethereals are just cool all around.

Also, less serious dungeons please. I miss Karazhan's sense of fun and goofing off, the only things we get these days is just a chuckle or two from quest text.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:58 No.84798411

So, with Moira Thaurassian pretty much coming in and setting up the Ironforge throne for her son, will there be any more Dark Irons coming to their senses and pledging allegiance to the Ironforge nation?

The Draenei and Worgen. Will we be seeing any more of them in the future, or are they destined to be the red-headed stepchildren, cast aside as accessories to the Alliance while the Horde races get more love?

Also, Algalon. I remember one of the comics stating he's currently observing the planet after Ulduar, so he must have witnessed the Shattering. Any major plans for him, or do you feel that dragging him in would be a waste of time?

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)10:18 < No.84799339

>>84798230 Sargeras is just pissed in general, I don't think that dude ever smiled. He's already tried to influence Azeroth a few times in recent history, just look at his machinations with Putress and Varimathras. I think the Sargeras-Kil'Jaeden relationship is very interesting. It's like Frankenstein's monster: Sargeras gave this Eredar punk the means and power to do basically whatever he wanted and now he's having a tough time keeping him on a leash. That dynamic will be seen more in the future. And your comment on demons influencing mortals was interesting. Who knows who could be under their enthrallment...?

>>84798397 Oh, don't get me wrong. I love me some Panderans and Ethereal. There's an upcoming comic series on the former which is looking totally badass. Ethereals are awesome in their own right too. Ethereals are smarmy, cunning, capable of great technological marvels ... kinda sounds like another big race on Azeroth? I wonder what would happen if those two races came into direct competition?

Karazhan was a lot of fun, I agree. Those kind of instances do help the world seem less depressing, don't they? In that sense I think we failed slightly in Wrath. Other than Ulduar, there wasn't as much light-hearted adventure as there should have been. Nefarian's raid can be quite entertaining, so you should check that place out.

>>84798411 The Dark Irons are slowly re-intergrating themselves into society, yeah. It will take time for old divisions to truly heal over though. While I'm not sure if Moira will ever be accepted as the soverign ruler of Ironforge after she made a mess of it after Magni's death, I do think that the Dark Irons are beginning to realize that perhaps toiling away in Ragnaros' forges aren't the most satisfactory of existences.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)09:58 No.84798411

So, with Moira Thaurassian pretty much coming in and setting up the Ironforge throne for her son, will there be any more Dark Irons coming to their senses and pledging allegiance to the Ironforge nation?

The Draenei and Worgen. Will we be seeing any more of them in the future, or are they destined to be the red-headed stepchildren, cast aside as accessories to the Alliance while the Horde races get more love?

Also, Algalon. I remember one of the comics stating he's currently observing the planet after Ulduar, so he must have witnessed the Shattering. Any major plans for him, or do you feel that dragging him in would be a waste of time?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:04 No.84798665

Turalyon is probably at Argus crusading it up against the Burning Legion. We'll see him in the final expansion with level 100 cap and Sargeras as the last boss.

Sound about right, Chris?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:05 No.84798706

Will Darion Mograine ever get the Ashbringer back?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:06 No.84798753

i want to play as the tuskarr

they are way boss

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)10:25 < No.84799701

>>84798411 I can promise you that the Draenei DO have big things on the horizon. The current situation with them is a temporary compromise. I know that sucks right now, but it gets better. As for the Worgen, they're still newcomers to the game. They need some time to carve their own destiny across Azeroth. They're like infants taking their first steps.

And let me just say right now: I love Algalon. He's badass on eleven different levels. I would personally like to see more of him, but it's just an issue of where does it feel right? If the opportunity arises, I would bet on seeing the Observer making a cameo somewhere.

>>84798665 Who said anything about a LV100 cap?

>>84798706 Yeah, it's pretty much Tirion's now. I think Darion understands that while under his grip, the Ashbringer was twisted and corrupted. Tirion is able to keep the blade as the holy weapon of righteousness that it was always intended to be. Besides, that gold clashed with Darion's saronite plate.

>>84798753 Let's go drinking in the Underbelly.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:09 No.84798887

Will we ever have the Argus expansion? I wouldn't mind going to space again, with all the new gameplay you guys have come up with. Maybe the etherium gets pissed at the eredar for not paying up on some costs or something, wouldn't mind seeing them again. >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:10 No.84798963

Why don't you care about the Blood Elves and Draeni as playable races? Everyone got an update come Cata but they are still forgotten and unused ever since BC

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:10 No.84798963

Why don't you care about the Blood Elves and Draeni as playable races? Everyone got an update come Cata but they are still forgotten and unused ever since BC

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:13 No.84799069

I'm assuming we will never truly kill sargeras? I mean he would never show his face on azeroth if he knows algalon is watching. Algalon would send the fucking red alert to the pantheon and paint a target on sargeras's face. Then the titans would come and go all WTF what happened to azeroth since we left, then "lol oh well, DESTROY AND REMAKE"

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:16 No.84799237 File :1295882179353.jpg-(55 KB, 529x480, 1273923600202.jpg) 55 KB

I have a question.

What are the Titan and Phoenix projects. Was the leak intentional or did someone pay?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:17 No.84799321

Who would win in a fight between the big Naruu in shatt, versus a titan? I mean they are beings of light for god sakes.

Also, were the naruu always there? Or did the titans create them? The titans have never really had a tie to any "light" related stuff I thought.

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)10:35 < No.84800312

>>84798887 Argus is an intriguing hook, no doubt. But I'm afraid I have to say I'm not allowed to confirm or deny anything on what's going to be a future expansion, sorry to say. It's not quite time yet.

>>84798963 The Blood Elves are up to some stuff, yeah. Check out Uldaman, Badlands, Uldum and Tanaras. There's a interesting new faction on the rise there. They're like the Explorer's League, but without the sense of common decency, decorum or restraint. Those dudes are out for power.

>>84799069 That's an interesting question. What, if anything, would it take to bring down a rogue Titan? What possible faction could match his strength?

>>84799237 I'd probably be looking for a new job if I answered that.

>>84799321 The Naaru are very intriguing indeed. They are the physical embodiments of the Light, but they are not the source of the Light. There's an air of mystery about them: Why have the dedicated themselves to go on such a vendetta, on such a CRUSADE, against the Burning Legion? A'dal probably knows. Someone should ask him one of these days.

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)10:54 < No.84801318

Sorry dudes, work's starting to begin at the office here. I have time for a couple more questions before I HAVE to go and do the numbers.

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)11:40 < No.84804317

Right, lucky news! I've managed to smooth-talk my way into getting a break so I'm free to answer some questions again. Gonna catch up on the backlog now.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)11:00 No.84801747

>>84800312 Pandaran, tell me about it

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)10:54 No.84801373

>>84800312 Why did you turn Illidan from a good guy, who defended his people and homeland "at the cost of his soul", to an insane evil dripping villain? One that enslaves everyone and bla bla bla?

You turned him to the devil from a cool misunderstood guy!

You sacrificed him on the alter in your quest for the search of an expansion boss. >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)11:11 No.84802428 File :1295885503385.jpg-(106 KB, 429x513, mfw.jpg) 106 KB

How is Onyxia reproducing without a male and tending to her brood if she's always in Stormwind?

Why would Deathwing not go for the throat of Alexstraza and finish her off once and for all?

Khadgar gives tours of Shattrath, even with the cataclysm?

What happened to the mirrored version of Karazhan beneath the actual tower?

Who leads the legion now?

Why didn't the Titans return?

Why are the old gods creeping out of their prisons one by one?


>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)11:57 < No.84805348

>>84801747 Well the Pandaren have a pretty cool origin. They started off as just a joke race we made up for April Fools but people really responded and liked the concept behind them, so I started exploring a serious backstory to them. Basically, the Pandaren are good guys. They're probably the friendliest race with the truest-hearts in all of Azeroth. They brew, do kung-foo, kick ass and take names! Most of them live in Pandaria, but a few have branched out to the Horde and Alliance as neutral adventurers. We got a cool comic series coming out that explains what they've been up to lately, so take a look out for it.

>>84801373 I don't think Illidan was ever a "good guy". He's always had an ego and paranoia problem; his defeat at the hands of Arthas tipped him over the edge. There's a great element to hubris when it comes to Illidan: there was a guy who actually had the power to threaten the Lich King and Burning Legion itself, but his greed and growing god-complex sealed his downfall. Outland's probably better off without him around. Just sayin'.

>>84802428 Onyxia's been gone from Stormwind for a good few years now, yeah. As for the question on mating there ... I need to put this delicately because it's not something that we've really been allowed to explore much. What I can say is Deathwing is the father of ALL the black dragonflight. Interpret that how you will.

Airships can't swim, though. That's why there's submarines there.

Khadgar is still kicking around Outland, yeah. There's a big mess to clean up since we left and he's always had a good heart.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)11:07 No.84802173 File :1295885253765.jpg-(106 KB, 429x513, mfw2.jpg) 106 KB

Where did Deathwing's legs land if he stood on the Stormwind gate?

Why did we send so many airships into the Maelstrom, yet we can't spare a single one (Not even the two idle ones in Northrend) to Vashjir?

How did Deathwing fit into the temple of earth to break the world pillar?

If all of the earth realm is being pulled into Azeroth, why isn't it coming out of the Maelstrom? Where does it go? Isn't Azeroth already the plane of earth?

Is Eranikus ever confirmed gay before he sacrifices himself? What happened to his chained soul? Why is he some currupted dragon aspect lord in the Emerald Dream if some level 50 twat has him on their belt in a trinket?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)11:11 No.84802428 File :1295885503385.jpg-(106 KB, 429x513, mfw.jpg) 106 KB

How is Onyxia reproducing without a male and tending to her brood if she's always in Stormwind?

Why would Deathwing not go for the throat of Alexstraza and finish her off once and for all?

Khadgar gives tours of Shattrath, even with the cataclysm?

What happened to the mirrored version of Karazhan beneath the actual tower?

Who leads the legion now?

Why didn't the Titans return?

Why are the old gods creeping out of their prisons one by one?


>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)12:06 < No.84805922

>>84802173 >>84802428 The Temple of Earth (and the entire world itself) is larger than how it's represented in-game. For gameplay reasons why can't always do the scale that we'd like to, but yeah, I don't think Deathwing would have had much trouble getting to the World Pillar.

Karazhan is something that would be interesting to come back to, but we have to wait until it feels right to do so.

Kil'Jaeden is the de-facto ruler of the Burning Legion for all intents and purposes. Sargeras has been out of sync for a while after his defeat, but I have no doubt he's going to want to take the reins of the Legion again. Could there be a degree of in-fighting developing within that group? The thing about those into evil and destruction is that they tend to evilly destruct each other soon enough.

The Titans are busy elsewhere in the Universe. They're keeping tabs on Azeroth(and all planets they had a hand in), but they're keeping to their mission of bringing order to the universe for the moment. They very nearly did return until Algalon was intercepted and I have no doubt they'll be back to Azeroth at some point.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)11:47 No.84804716


Is that sumbitch going to get made awesome anytime soon and why doesn't his model wear an eyepatch?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)11:53 No.84805077 File :1295888004478.jpg-(197 KB, 1360x768, WoWScrnShot_012311_203826.jpg) 197 KB

Will we ever get instances similar to Karazhan or BRD in design? For an example, I'll use Bastion of Twilight which doesn't really feel like a "Bastion" and more like a series of randomly connected rooms with a boss in each. It's quite dull. In contrast to that we have Karazhan with it's kitchens, bedrooms and whatnot and Blackrock Depths which really felt like a city. Blacking Descent got that feeling right and it felt 'real', but BoT didn't.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)12:10 No.84806162

>>84805348 where is tel'abim ?

Reffering to the "tel abim bananas"

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)12:18 < No.84806596

>>84805077 I do feel your pain, man. I do miss the large, open-ended environments we had in the past. However, the thing about places like that(Blackrock Depths, I'm looking at you) is that you either loved it or you hated it. There was no healthy middle. For gameplay reasons we've had to narrow the scope somewhat of our instances, but raids should be feeling epic and magnificent. The Firelands is looking pretty sweet right now, I think you'll be pleased with how it turns out.

>>84804716 He had a role in the Quel'Delar story a little while ago which gave you an insight into what he's up to. There's a TOTALLY kickass story written by Micky Neilson that deals exclusively with blood elves floating around the office. We're trying to find the right venue to release it in. It's got Sunstrider, Lor'themar, Rommath and more in it. You'll love it.

>>84806162 Tel Abim is essentially the Hawaii of Azeroth, a real tropical paradise. It's a tiny little spec of land in the South Seas. We're still churning ideas around on what to do with Tel Abim, we're working on it. We're trying to seed in an interesting new race into that island is the most I can say for now. Watch this space.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)12:23 No.84806913

What are the ettin? Where is Deathwing? What is the story behind Tol Borad?

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)12:37 < No.84807713

>>84806913 The ettin have always been around, but they kept to themselves. They're a small group of isolationist, dumb hulks that kept to themselves around Azeroth's mountainous regions. The Cataclysm upset their equilibrium so that's why we're starting to see them branch off into lower ground. Fortunately for Cho'gall, their low intelligence and high pain threshold make them perfect candidates for the heavy lifting.

I can't really go into exactly where Deathwing is, but what I can say is that the raid in which we fight him is going to BLOW. YOUR. MIND. Conceptually, we've never done anything even remotely close to his encounter and it is amazing to watch even the preliminary stages.

Tol Barad is strange. Orignally, it functioned as the prison where all the monsters that were either too dangerous or powerful to be destroyed were dumped. But something is cleary wrong there now. Why is it in such a mess? Why did the chain of command break down so spectacularly? What is the nature of the strange curse plaguing the island? We've learned from Wintergrasp. We're gonna continue to explore what's going on there as the expansion goes forward.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)12:32 No.84807435


Are those things that we killed in AQ and Ulduar real Old Gods or just they avatars? Can Old Gods truly die?

Harbinger Skyriss in Arcatraz says: "We span the universe, as countless as the stars!" Does this mean there are Old Gods on other planets? Like at least one per star system.

>>84797457 >Whatever is able to distract a Dragon Aspect for so long must be something very important.

How can you "keep occupied" the Aspect of Time? If the crisis resolved somewhere in the future, no matter how far, than Nozdormu could just travel back in the exact same point in time when he left. He must be caught in infinite loop and can't get out there himself. Or he may be dead. Or there may be no more Nozdormu as we know him, and he coming back only as the leader of Infinites.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)12:45 No.84808160

Why are the WoW forums moderated by an Iron fist? That shit just aint cool.

Also, what happened to Gallywix after the Goblin starting area, he aint in the pleasure palace.?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)12:48 No.84808357

why did you remove the Tirion Fordring quest chain? it was the best one in the game hands down

also you removed the ashbringer event from the scarlet monastery... why? >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)12:53 No.84808658 File :1295891585439.jpg-(39 KB, 652x544, 1254387286348.jpg) 39 KB

One more question!

How long is your fully erect *****?

I love you <3

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)13:02 < No.84809205

>>84807435 The Old Gods would be fascinating to disect. Even dead gods can still dream, their influence being very difficult to fully remove through normal means. C'thun and Yogg-Saron still have a presence, although it is largely diminished. That was the dilemma the Titans had when they encountered them: What do you do with creatures of malignant evil that cannot truly die? Their solution was to imprison them and contain their powers. The Old Gods encountered on Azeroth were definitely not the first seen by the Titans.

On Nozdormu, that's what's interesting about his predicament: What threat is so great that time itself cannot hold back? There are infinite possibilities with Nozdormu.

>>84808160 Gallywix is essentially the "indentured servant" of Garrosh. Ol'Hellscream is trying to use Gallywix as a means to force the other Trade Princes into joining the Horde, with mixed success. Check out Gallywix's pleasure palace and you'll get a hint of things to come.

>>84808357 Just because it was awesome doesn't mean it's timeless. We have to let go of the old at some point, no matter how cool it might have been. The "In Dreams" questline just didn't make sense anymore in the revamped Azeroth and the Scarlet event was largely redundant now with the Ashbringer miniseries.

>>84808658 It goes all the way up to eleven, baby.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)13:08 No.84809550 File :1295892507180.jpg-(83 KB, 480x640, I don't believe in Hitler!.jpg) 83 KB

I love you Metzen. You married? :3

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)13:09 No.84809643

If you were an outsider of the Blizzard company and was a Warcraft lore buff, what races or classes would you like to play in future expansions? >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)13:12 No.84809786

Why would you do this on a forumboard like /v/, where you have no controll at all when you could do it on your own wow forum. Really, people fake this kind of shit all the time. If you really are the person you make yourself out to be, prove it.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)13:19 No.84810192

What's your favourite zone?

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)13:29 < No.84810786

>>84809550 I'm happily married. And I love you too.

>>84809643 Well ... this is a trick question, isn't it? I don't want to say because it implies that's what we're going to get in the future, so this is hard to answer. That being said, I've always been fascinated by the Dragonkin and Ethereals. Everytime I see them in-game I think "Wow, look at these dudes!". Being a Blademaster would also be pretty darn cool, but it's largely redunant now with the Warrior class.

>>84809786 It's good to break the bubble every now and then. Don't get me wrong, the community at the official forums are really cool, but it's good to branch out to other places to gather feedback and answer questions there too.

>>84810192 Dun Morogh. I'm very proud of that zone. When you go there, see the vista of snow and then the music hits ... it's very powerful stuff.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)13:46 No.84811835

What was cut, storywise, from Wrath and TBC?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)13:37 No.84811272

Why is it such a bad game? Do you care that it's bad? >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)13:35 No.84811136


Now, when you mention Ethereals, it would be cool to see further development of conflict between Ethereal and Voidwalker race, whatever it's called.

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)13:59 < No.84812648

>>84811835 Uhh, well there was actually a plan in TBC for a while of having Deathwing and his brood appear as a max-level daily quest hub in an area north-east of Hellfire. Those plans were scrapped by us at C-Dev because there was really a lot more potential for him than that.

In Wrath we used to have an AMAZING zone called Azjol-Nerub. It was basically an entirely underground zone filled with nerubians, Old Gods and Scourge. It was a really interesting zone (which hasn't been fully abandoned yet, we may get back to it if we can). Our instances used to be pretty different too. Conceptually, Gundrak and Utgarde Pinnacle were drastically different than their current incarnation.

>>84811272 Of course we care IF it's bad, but that was a bit of a loaded question wasn't it?

>>84811136 Those voidwalkers you're referring to were part of this dude called Pandemonius' faction. While the Void/Ethereal conflict is largely dead for now, I'd definitely bet on seeing the Ethereal making an impact down the line somewhere.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)14:01 No.84812768

Sorry to combo break, but here's a Starcraft question I'd like answered if you can:

How does Kerrigan know so much about the prophecy, coming doom, yada yada yada? Is it an inherent Zerg thing, or did shit go down with the Dark Voice in the three year gap?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)13:53 No.84812249

>>84810786 There are already a ton of classes that smack people with melee weapons or fling spells. We need another ranged weapon class, but one with no pets.

I'd also like to see a class that has a lot of spells that use liquid water, as opposed to frost.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)14:04 No.84812921

If you are really who you say you are, why cant you post a timestamped photo of yourself to prove it?


>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)14:06 No.84813060

Why does Chronormu use a female gnome body when he's derpin around out of dragon form? >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)14:09 No.84813256

>>84812648 What was different about UP and Gun?

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)14:23 < No.84814246

>>84812768 It's all revealed in Heart of the Swarm. What I can say is that the Dark Voice is intrinsically connected to what's happening with Kerrigan.

>>84812249 Technically, the shaman are supposed to fill that role. We sorta failed in getting that idea across aesthetically, so we're updating the casting spells to better reflect the watery origins of their healing spells.

>>84812921 Can't and won't are two different things, dude.

>>84813060 Chromie is a little confused, bless it.

>>84813256 Gundrak used to be a fullblown raid, but ended up getting scrapped for time. While we get to see a bit of the religious facilities in the city, the greater complex remains unexplored. The raid was planned so that the players would fight the TRUE master of the frost trolls with the loa and sea vykrul making cameos. Unfortunately it doesn't appear that we'll get to come back to this particular area in the near future, but who knows?

Utgarde Pinnacle was also a proper raid, but ended up being downsized into a five man because it ended up pretty bloated.

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)14:29 < No.84814659

Hold up you guys, gotta take a call here for ten minutes. Will get back to you ASAP.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)14:16 No.84813715

Is Thrall going to kick Garrosh's ass by the end of Cata?

>> Jouten 01/24/11(Mon)14:27 No.84814555 File :1295897254078.jpg-(58 KB, 570x539, Brox.jpg) 58 KB

Why no CoT with Broxigar the Red?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)14:19 No.84813983

Who is your least favourite character in the Warcraft lore and why?

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)14:58 < No.84816669

>>84813715 On the issue of Garrosh and Varian, they're jerks(one perhaps more of a jerk than the other, but hey). While they may be figureheads of faction intolerance and prejudice, the true heroes will always rise above the attitudes of their faction leader. Thrall will have his work cut out for him during this expansion, so I don't think he'll have the time to straighten out young Hellscream.

>>84814555 Well, this is dicey, but I have a definite feeling that once we take down Ragnaros and have Mount Hyjal healed up nicely we might just take another visit into the Caverns of Time.

>>84813983 I have to be careful that I phrase this correctly. Personally, the character I dislike most would probably be Archimonde. To me he represents the absolute worst in mortals: Greedy, power-hungry, self-absorbed and utterly vain. He doesn't play nice.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)14:44 No.84815665

Why didn't Deathwing just shatter the world when he entered Deepholme?

Was it because he was wounded, and would rather heal up than draw more attention?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)13:55 No.84812336

Are we going to see an orc presence in Undercity throughout Cata? I was really hoping to see a Death Knight take Varimathras' place.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)14:21 No.84814156

>>84812648 When will the classic wow player races have their models updated to look as good as troll/worgen? The classic races look so outdated now >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)14:49 No.84815974

>>84806596 if this isn't chris metzen then this is someone who did his research.

p.s. can't you just release the lorthemar story as part of that faction leader story website? i can't get enough of those short stories

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)14:38 No.84815334 File :1295897929241.jpg-(37 KB, 420x321, 32996.jpg) 37 KB

Tauren Palidan and Troll druids, how do they work? (Lorewise, that is. I could really use a detailed explanation. Also, what loa are involved with the troll druid forms and powers and stuff?)

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)15:12 < No.84817595

>>84815665 Deathwing had time to "think" while he was in Deepholm. The Deathwing of yesterday might not necessarily have had the same ambitions of the Deathwing today. In the timespan when C'thun and Yogg-Saron started making their power known to the world, the old god N'zoth did some freaky things to the former Earth-Warder as he nursed his wounds. Think indoctrination.Nowadays, Deathwing is totally committed to the Old God cause.

>>84812336 Garrosh is wanting to keep a close watch on Sylvanas, and I can't say I blame him. Until there is a bit more ... rational... leadership in the Forsaken then I'd image the Kok'kron will be there for a while. It's interesting that you mention Death Knights, last I heard Koltira is now hanging out in the Undercity...

>>84814156 It's in the pipeline, man. I feel your pain. All I can do is poke and nudge, I'm not actually responsible for them. We just gotta wait it out.

>>84815974 Again, it's just a matter of finding the right venue. We've discussed the website option, but there are other alternatives. We're still trying to find the best way to get the story out in a way that does it justice.

>>84815334 Basically, the Tauren Paladins are part of this awesome group called the Sunwalkers. Instead of drawing their power from the Holy Light, they harness the power of the sun(rather like the Priestesses of Elune who harness the moon). They're a new group, they're still trying to find their legs.

As for Troll Druids, we finally got around to adding an in-depth explanation to them. Go speak to Zen'tabra, she'll clue you in better than I can. Basically, the loa Gonk and the Emerald Dream provide them their powers.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)14:59 No.84816705

Why would Metzen post information on a board that isn't the official World of warcraft forums? He wouldn't waste his time answering questions when he probably know this board is full of trolls that does this shit all the time. No one here will believe you, even if you were Metzen, you're nobody here without proof.

Sure he is convincing but no. I appreciate this thread though, really 9/10.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)15:10 No.84817413

If the titans created the aspects, where did proto-drakes come from?

And why do we never see any mature proto-dragons?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)15:09 No.84817356 File :1295899762846.jpg-(90 KB, 725x485, squid.jpg) 90 KB

I know this is outside your department, but could you champion the return of Lurkers for heart of the swarm? I think it'd really give the zerg what they need and give Hydralisks a reason to exist in competitive play.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)15:02 No.84816893 File :1295899346127.jpg-(20 KB, 457x587, AzsharaSL.jpg) 20 KB

Why the fuck did you let them put Azshara in Cata with an old shit model? Is this not ruining her future big bang appearance? Also what do you think her future will be? Full out war against Neptulon expansion?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)15:01 No.84816806

I'm stumped about Malganis's apperance in WOTLK. In an epic quest you find he's alive and plotting and yet he's not heard from again even though he promised revenge on everyone and ESPECIALLY Arthas.

Why no appearance to get at Arthas? ;_;

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)15:22 < No.84818285

>>84816705 Gotta break the bubble, man. As great as our dedicated community on the official forums are, you gotta get outside perspectives too.

>>84817413 The Titans did not "create" the Aspects, they merely empowered and appointed them to their sacred task. Ysera, Malygos and the others were around before the Titans made it to Azeroth. The proto-drakes are to dragons what cavemen are to humans. They're primitive and less intelligent than their more evolved cousins. They all originate from their daddy Galakrond, the father of all dragonkind.

>>84817356 I'll put your suggestion down in my notes here and pass it on to the right people, dude. Can't promise anything.

>>84816893 It's a matter of time, man. For the most part, Queen Azshara plays a relatively small role for the moment. When it comes closer to the point when she plays a more significant role, she'll get beefed up into a unique model. Speaking of which, I wonder where Neptulon is these days...?

>>84816806 I want you to go kill Balnazzar in Stratholme and watch the cut scene. That'll tell you everything you need to know.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)15:21 No.84818225 File :1295900515956.jpg-(452 KB, 1329x1056, 1295724749616.jpg) 452 KB


Can gnomes and humans make hybrid mutant babies?

How come we don't see much half-whatevers mentioned in the game.


>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)15:21 No.84818172

What the hell happeend to Kael thas? After he died the first time, he only had 2 of this green orbs, one in his chest, i wonder if that's some fel magic that has the power to revive him.

Why the blood elf and draenei hate? Thjey have been lusting for magic/recovering form the crash years

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)15:28 No.84818782

Tribunal of Ages encounter suggests (but doesn't clearly state) that Old Gods are interstellar parasitic life forms that feed on life force of planet's denizens. Can you confirm that?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)15:26 No.84818553

>>84818225 This. Also, what will happen to Maiev? If she really dead?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)14:53 No.84816284

Why is the horde getting stronger and alliance weaker like with

- (southshore getting owned, and terran mill reigning supreme which is important due to the glorious pvp past of it)

- Races leaving alliance and joining horde (Forsaken, Blood Elves)

Horde gaining more territory (like Night Elf ancestral land - Ashenvale)

And Orgrimmar getting a an upgrade while 20% of Stormwind is ash.

Are you pushing an agenda?

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)15:34 < No.84819250

>>84818225 Yeah, for the most part we don't really wanna go too heavily into cross-species sex. It's not really an issue that we feel would be right for Warcraft, so don't be expecting any Goblin/Tuskarr hybrids anytime soon.

>>84818172 Kael'thas got nursed back to health by Kil'Jaeden's hottest nurse, Priestess Delrissa. After his defeat in Tempest Keep he got patched up using fel energy. By the time he died, he was essentially a broken husk of the man he once was. It wasn't just his pride that got battered that day.

>>84818782 What I can say to that is that the Old Gods have their tentacles in more than just the one pie, if you catch my drift.

>>84818553 On the issue of Maiev, I think it's time something got cleared up. Until we finally get to touch up Outland to Cataclysm standards, this may not get reflected upon in-game for some time. That being said, the idea of the moment (which may change) is that Maiev is no longer around. She killed herself. Her hunt for Illidan had consumed her entire life, cost her everything she held dear ... and what did she have left? Nothing. The huntress was nothing without the hunt.

>>84816284 Have you ever heard of the concept hubris? Just because the Horde is making gains right now, doesn't mean that glory will be everlasting. Who's to say they're not setting themselves up for a fall?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)15:31 No.84818966

Any plans for Sicco Thermaplugg?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)15:39 No.84819581

Can you tell us anything about what happened to Millhouse Manastorm? I would assume hes dead but i was really hoping for some kind of double agent spying situation since i thought he was a good guy in bc.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)15:40 No.84819656

How does one get their character added as a NPC in WoW? Like Fargo Flintlock. I want my night elf warrior to be a raid boss. I already have a novel written about her. Sure it's fanfiction but it's tasteful fanfiction.

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)15:30 No.84818935

Why is Deathwing going to be the final boss of the expansion when it seems like the old gods (specifically N'Zoth) have been the driving force behind everything in Cataclysm? Seems anticlimactic.

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)15:54 < No.84820777

>>84818966 Yeah, I wouldn't be expecting much from him any time soon. It's about time that crazy bastard got put down. On a serious note however, we had a meeting on what to do with the classic dungeons. We're still trying to decide what's the best course of action with them. Some of them are great(i.e. Deadmines and Shadowfang), but there are others like Wailing Caverns and Scholamance that are pretty much irrelevant by the time of Cataclysm. More from this later.

>>84819581 That gnome is worm food, dude. I don't think Milhouse felt any TRUE loyalty or camaraderie with the Twilight Hammer. They basically just gave him new toys to play with and that was alright for him. He's not seeking apocalypse, just a bit of attention. That's just my take on it, but it's open for interpretation if you like.

>>84819656 It's actually surprisingly hard to get one. There's some legal technicalities that prevent us from adding, say, a best friend into the game. We have to be careful or else or someone might get unnecessarily litigious. Basically, if you've done something notable and relevant, we'll take notice.

>>84818935 I couldn't disagree with you more. It's Deathwing, man! I've been psyched for us to do him justice for years now. I assure you that one thing the Deathwing encounter is not is "anticlimatic". N'Zoth, we'll be seeing more of him down the line...

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)16:02 No.84821396

>>84820777 >It's actually surprisingly hard to get one. There's some legal technicalities that prevent us from adding, say, a best friend into the game. We have to be careful or else or someone might get unnecessarily litigious. Basically, if you've done something notable and relevant, we'll take notice.

Okay so what if I never did anything noticeable in the game or made a witty web comic. Can I submit my designs and story to Blizzard for review and basically tell them that since it's using their IP (race and lore) that they legally own it? I mean you guys can make new minor to major figures in the lore/game and just insert them right? >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)15:58 No.84821097

>>84820777 >I assure you that one thing the Deathwing encounter is not is "anticlimatic".

I have no doubt that the encounter will be cool. What I meant was that it just seems weird from a storytelling perspective that we'll likely be killing the big bad (N'Zoth) before we kill his minion (Deathwing). >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)15:55 No.84820876

Will we see Broxigar Saurfang in the CoT: War of the Ancients raid? >> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)16:05 No.84821627

I got a question about Undead. I've heard that an undead who tries to channel holy energy destroys himself in the process. But then how do you explain Undead priests? If an undead decides to stop being evil, will the light be able to flow through him without hurting him?

Basically what I'm asking is, how long until we see undead Paladins?

>> Anonymous 01/24/11(Mon)16:09 No.84821901

Hey Metzen, how do you and blizzard feel about ERPers? Of course by society standards they're teh scum of existence, on the level of furries. Do you guys just see them as another dollar sign and when they stop contributing to the cash pool you'll hit them with the banhammer with the force of a thousand suns going supernova?

>> Bourbon Cowboy !gN1hpibYKg 1/24/11(Mon)16:17 < No.84822420

>>84821396 It's not quite as simple as that there, I'm afraid. The problem with fanfiction is that there's no sense of the bigger picture to them. Let's say we tried to adapt a fanfiction on, say, Hogger. What if we already have plans for Hogger in the future? We'd be getting short-term lore at the expense of the long-term story. That's why we have such a close relationship with our writers, we need to make sure that everything fits together nicely.

I'm not trying to discredit fanfiction, far from it, it's just tricky to do anything "official" with them. I read a particularly awesome story about Garrosh recently and we're trying to get in contact with the author, so it's not all doom and gloom.

>>84821097 I can understand that. For me, personally, I feel Deathwing just makes sense for the final encounter. He's purposefully designed to be in your face the entire expansion. N'Zoth, on the other hand, is more of a subtle figure that never truly makes his appearance.

>>84820876 I can tell you we will be seeing the War of the Ancients and all the big figures involved in that time-span. Lips are sealed, figuratively speaking.

>>84821627 The deal with the Forsaken in the Light is pretty interesting. They can channel it, but it is excruciatingly painful to do so because undeath goes against the very nature of it. It's like cauterizing an open wound: it gets the job done, but man does it hurt. Forsaken Priests are, ironically, amongst the most truly dedicated of all the users of the Light. Sadly, there's just not enough undead around with the willpower to harness the Light to make a large enough group of Paladins. But who knows what the future will bring?

>>84821901 For me personally, it gets creepy on a few different levels. There's the first reaction of "Oh my god, what's that dwarf doing to her tail!" and then there's the afterthought of "Oh god, why's that dwarf sodomizing something I had a part in creating!?". So yeah, kinda disturbing.