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== Ny'alotha: The dreaming city - N'zoth == Tactics - Boss information

This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.
This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.

Image of N'zoth
Race Old God
Level ?? Boss
Resource Mana
Location Ny'alotha, Vashj'ir , The Heart of the sunken city
MobAvatar of N'zoth
Image of Avatar of N'zoth
Race Old God
Level ?? Boss
Resource Mana
Location Ny'alotha, Vashj'ir , The Heart of the sunken city
Image of N'zoth
Race Old God
Level ?? Boss
Resource Mana
Location Ny'alotha, Vashj'ir , Vale of Eternal Suffering

N'zoth is the final boss of this raid instance


The third named Old god - The dreaded N'zoth was responsible for several key events in the history of World of Warcraft spanning even the corruption of the emerald dream and even the creation of the serpentine humanoids known as the Naga who we're previously the highborne of the night elf society; The corruption of the Earthwarder himself was all of his doing in addition to even making the aspects lose their immortality due to the corruption of their elder brother. Thought to be prisoned, N'zoth broke free just like his other brothers and started the key chain of several events. Now this god is eager to complete the cycle that was meant to happen if you don't stop him. All will be remade into chaos itself that even the burning legion can not compare too.


  • Ability warlock eradication.png Berserk  —  Increases all damage done by 500% and becomes Immune to taunt in addition increases all movement speed by 300% | Activated if 15 mins have passed

Phase 1 - Call of Ny'alotha

  • Inv misc rubysanctum4.png Drop Flesh spikes  —  Creates spike like objects from the ceiling, Falling onto players inflicting massive damage upon them and stuns them for 5 seconds
  • Spell deathknight subversion.png Shield of a God  —  Envelops the caster with a shield that reduces damage taken to all attacks by 99%
  • Spell deathknight thrash ghoul.png Creeping Flay  —  Summons several tendril like tentacles upon the area of several targets, Within 3 seconds the floor sprouts a spike like tentacle chasing targets all around and inflicting damage to those who are in the way
  • Ability rogue bloodsplatter.png Rupturing wounds  —  Fires a needle that ruptures the targets insides, Whenever it runs it will take massive damage however if walking the debuff will slowly wear off lasting for about 5 seconds. If it continues to run the debuff will extend it self by 5 seconds for every time it runs
  • Ability rogue envelopingshadows.png Tentacle Infestation  —  Infest several targets with tentacles; slowing movement speed by 90% for 5 seconds; if targets are close to each other the infestation will continue to spread
  • Spell shadow detectinvisibility.png Grasp of C'thun  —  Caught in the grasp of old one C'thun; Casting a harmful spell will backfire and damage all nearby allies in addition increases the target's damage by 150% | Dispel
  • Ability rogue deviouspoisons.png Grasp of Yogg'saron  —  Caught in the grasp of the old one Yogg'Saron; Casting a healing spell will backfire and instead damage your mana equal to the amount healed by 20% | Curse
  • Ability rogue deadlymomentum.png Grasp of N'zoth  —  Caught in the grasp of the old one N'zoth; Peforming any melee special abilities will stun your party for 5 seconds | Dispel

Phase 2 - To me servants of the flesh!

  • Inv datacrystal02.png Summon Minion of N'zoth  —  Summons a follower of N'zoth to assist N'zoth
  • Inv datacrystal02.png Summon Faceless Champion  —  Summons a Faceless Champion to assist N'zoth
  • Inv datacrystal02.png Summon Faceless Gladiator  —  Summons a Faceless Gladiator to assist N'zoth | Heroic Only

Minion of N'zoth abilities

  • Inv fabric felcloth ebon.png Disrupting Madness  —  Surrounds the entire room with an aura of disruption, Blocking out cast time healing spells and only rendering instant cast healing spells useable.
  • Ability rogue feint.png Limbo  —  Transfer's the mind of a target to limbo; the world of purgatory.
  • Ability rogue shadowstep.png Blur  —  Reduces damage taken by 100% Only can be removed by the one who was transferred to the world of purgatory
  • Spell arcane arcane03.png Torrent of souls  —  Collects lingering fragments of the raids souls and focuses it into a beam of death that instantly inflicts massive damage and knocks back the target in addition it splits the targets soul apart creating another minion of N'zoth.
  • Spell arcane focusedpower.png Shattering Reflection  —  When killed; Inflicts 25% direct damage in health to N'zoth and causes the minion to explode then inflicts massive shadow damage to all nearby targets

Faceless Champion abilities

  • Spell fire twilighthellfire.png Twilight Rupture  —  Fires beams of twilight cracking the ground in several directions inflicting shadow damage to those caught in It's path
  • Ability warrior bloodsurge.png Severe Artery  —  Instantly deal 33% direct damage in health + an additional 100,000 physical damage upon the target and leaves the target to be incapacitated for 10 seconds
  • Ability druid mangle2.png Decapitate  —  Targets an area and instantly executes all targets upon the area; Instantly killing those upon the area. | Heroic only

Faceless Gladiator

  • Ability druid flightform.png Aura of Dismay  —  Increases friendly targets base damage by 15% and decreases nearby enemy targets damage by 30%
  • Ability druid ravage.png Rushing Grip  —  The gladiator bomb rushes a target pinning it to the wall and begins to execute the target within 6 seconds the target that was gripped will die, Damaging the Gladiator will remove the effect
  • Ability druid twilightswrath.png Summons Lashing tendrils  —  The gladiator summons tentacles upon the ground lashing nearby targets for massive amounts of damage and throws them in a random area

World of Purgatory abilities

  • Spell arcane arcanepotency.png Soul Split  —  Forces the one who was transferred into the limbo world to fight through the world, Finding your soul whos trapped within Purgatory will transfer you back
  • Spell arcane prismaticcloak.png Hungering Madness  —  Your mind is slowly losing itself, Inflicting shadow damage every second lasting longer within the purgatory state will kill the user if it doesn't find It's body
  • Spell arcane mindmastery.png Illusion Shatter  —  Transfers your soul back to your own body and removes the blur effect to the Minion of N'zoth then causes it taken an increase damage taken to all attacks by 500%
  • Spell deathknight unholypresence.png Illusion Devour —  If the user that was transferred to the world of purgatory dies, N'zoth kills the entire raid resetting the encounter | Heroic Only
  • Spell deathknight strangulate.png Lethargy  —  Reduces movement speed by 0.5% every 1 second for however long the target is within the world of purgatory| Heroic Only
  • Spell warlock demonicportal purple.png Shadow Mine  —  Instantly deal a large amount of shadow damage to targets who step on the mine and roots the target for 10 seconds then flings the target within an 30 yard radius within the world of purgatory| Heroic Only

Phase 3 - The Avatar of N'zoth

  • Spell shadow curse.png Haunting Strike  —  A brutal instant blow to the target that inflicts 300% weapon damage and 150% of that damage dealt directly to all nearby targets as shadow
  • Spell shadow chilltouch.png Lingering Shadows  —  If the haunting strike was successful on the target, The target takes an increase damage to the next haunting strike by 100% making the AoE effect of haunting strike most likely killing most of the raid | Tank Swap
  • Spell shadow fingerofdeath.png Fleshbound  —  Commands the room to summon tentacles that throw several targets to the wall and bounds them to the wall; Inflicting damage every 2 seconds for 6 seconds then released them back into a random area of the room
  • Spell shadow deathscream.png Frenzy  —  N'zoth goes into a frenzy; Increases haste by 500% for 5 seconds | Enrage Dispel
  • Spell shadow curseoftounges.png Chaos  —  N'zoth goes into a chaotic state; Increases damage output 50% and reflects most spells for 5 seconds | Must Dispel
  • Spell shadow devouringplague.png Annihilation  —  N'zoth stuns all nearby targets permanently, Then picks 3 classes that can interrupt and frees them. N'zoth then unleashes a 3 second cast attack that instantly kills the raid if an interrupt doesn't go through. The spell is cast three times; For every time a cast is interrupted the spell cast of Annihilation is reduced 0.5 making the 3ird cast a 2 second cast If all 3 interrupts are successful then the stun is removed.| Heroic Only
  • Ability rogue deadlybrew.png Impaling Spikes  —  Targets within an area of the room and summons a giant spikes that inflicts massive damage upon that area
  • Ability rogue fleetfooted.png Grasping Tendrils  —  The area that has Impaling Spikes targeted is enhanced, Also pinning those down those who are unfortunate enough not to move until they are killed by the spikes or saved somehow. | Heroic Only

Phase 4 - Your flesh is your own demise!

  • Ability rogue vendetta.png Steal Flesh  —  Steals the flesh of all nearby targets temporary reducing all nearby targets health to 1 and reduces healing taken by 100%
  • Ability rogue garrote.png Breaking Body  —  Upon the phase 4 N'zoth can not attack or move however he is channeling Flesh spikes upon this phase, Increases damage taken to all attacks by 50%
  • Ability rogue rupture.png Flesh Spikes  —  Once after Steal flesh is finished, An after affect is created and uses the stolen flesh to merge with the room creating spikes that follow all nearby targets chasing everyone for 15 seconds. After the duration is finished; The steal flesh debuff will wear off resetting health values back to normal
  • Ability rogue ruthlessness.png Like a reaper  —  For every death upon Phase 4, N'zoth gains a stacking buff that increases his damage by 10%. Stacking infinity; He will also carry the stacks up to his final showdown phase | Heroic Only

Phase 5 - Heroic Only - True N'zoth

  • Spell deathvortex.png Mark of Torment  —  A piece of soul is sundered upon a target, Allies attacking N'zoth will reflect 20% of their damage directly at the marked target inflicting damage to the marked one
  • Spell deathknight explode ghoul.png Mark of Eradication  —  Sometimes the Mark of Torment will mutate into the Mark of Eradication, The mark is the same as the torment however the target will be instantly killed upon It's allies, This spell has a 3 second grace period before activating | Dispel
  • Spell fire twilightflamebolt.png Twilight Ray  —  A ray of twilight touches the ground inflicting massive damage then erupts a wall made out of twilight flames instantly killing those who try to pass the wall
  • Ability warlock jinx.png Hopelessness  —  Surrounds an area with negative energy, Those who stand within the area are forced to cry; Pacifying them for 10 seconds and reduces healing taken upon the duration
  • Ability warlock haunt.png Hand of Sorrow  —  If targets within the encounter stand still for more then 15 seconds, a hand falls upon the ceiling and teleports them to the entrance of Ny'alotha completely removing the target from the fight
  • Ability warlock handofguldan.png Meteor Shower  —  Rips through the dimension and summons a storm of meteors upon an area inflicting fire damage on impact, Those who stand directly within the middle of an impact are instantly killed and thrown out of room within a 30 yard radius
  • Ability warlock coil2.png Reckoning  —  N'zoth slams the ground with his right hand causing it be stuck in place for 8 seconds however after the 8 seconds have passed, The entire ground will rupture itself inflicting massive damage. Players can go upon the arm at this time
  • Ability warlock improvedsoulleech.png Blackout  —  N'zoth slams the ground with his left hand causing it be stuck in place for 8 seconds however after the 8 seconds have passed, all players standing within the ground upon blackout will have their mana drained by 100%. Players can go upon the arm at this time
  • Spell mage infernoblast.png Dooms Day  —  If N'zoth can not see more then 5 people within the ground, He will summon a giant meteor killing the entire raid.
  • Spell magic polymorphrabbit.png Reality Maze  —  N'zoth teleports all nearby targets to the black forest within Ny'alotha where a maze is created. The raid must find their way out of the forest or be devoured.
  • Ability rogue slaughterfromtheshadows.png Coup de grâce —  Weakened Greatly from both arms being completely wounded, Increasing damage taken to all attacks by 100% for 10 seconds in addition N'zoth is also pacified for the time being. After 10 seconds have passed both arms will be healed to full once more

Phase 5 - The Right Arm of N'zoth

  • Ability creature cursed 03.png Fluid drop  —  Creates droplets of acid upon N'zoth's arm that drop onto players, Inflicting nature damage and drains a % of mana.
  • Ability rogue rupture.png Blood Spikes  —  Forces crystallized blood to form spikes upon his arm, Inflicting damage every second to all nearby targets increasing damage taken to physical damage by 10% every 1 second
  • Ability rogue ruthlessness.png Bloody Wounds  —  The arm will take an increase damage taken by 10% every 1 second however the damage will also spew out tentacles that grab upon you and inflicting damage increases your damage taken by 30% every tick until you fall of upon the arm
  • Ability rogue recuperate.png Drop down  —  Ropes will appear upon the arm of N'zoth clicking the ropes will make the target stab N'zoth's arm and drag themselves back to the ground and inflicting a direct 0.5% direct damage in health to the arm itself in addition

Phase 5 - The Left Arm of N'zoth

  • Ability rogue fleetfooted.png Tendril Throw  —  Tendrils sprout from within the left arm grabbing anyone near them and throwing them off the arm, The target takes full fall damage and stuns it for 10 seconds upon impact within falling.
  • Ability rogue rupture.png Blood Spikes  —  Forces crystallized blood to form spikes upon his arm, Inflicting damage every second to all nearby targets increasing damage taken to physical damage by 10% every 1 second
  • Ability rogue ruthlessness.png Bloody Wounds  —  The arm will take an increase damage taken by 10% every 1 second however the damage will also spew out tentacles that grab upon you and inflicting damage increases your damage taken by 30% every tick until you fall of upon the arm
  • Ability rogue recuperate.png Drop down  —  Ropes will appear upon the arm of N'zoth clicking the ropes will make the target stab N'zoth's arm and drag themselves back to the ground and inflicting a direct 0.5% direct damage in health to the arm itself in addition

Phase 5 - The Black Forest Maze

  • Spell magic polymorphchicken.png Insanity  —  Going Coo-coo if you don't get out of the forest soon
  • Spell magic polymorphrabbit.png Black Goat Stare  —  Pacifies the target whomever looks at the black goat; Stunning them for 5 seconds
  • Ability warlock chaosbolt.png Murloc's Grasp  —  A murloc randomly jumps on someones head, Jabbing it on the head and instantly killing it within 5 seconds unless the murloc is killed


  • Come empty people, get it over with, you mortals who sell at all an 'other life; if there is, as you say, God in 'infinite, look in the heart,' you have betrayed and Materialists you, with your obsession, that God is dead el 'man is alone in this abyss, seek the truth on the ground, pigs, keep the acorns, let the wings....
Cast Creeping Flay
  • Hahahaha!
Cast Limbo
  • You are within the bounds of reality child
Cast Annihilation
  • What's worse, Your allies not being faithful?
  • Or are they not smart enough to save you?
  • Your lives are forfeit
Player Killed
  • I delight in your suffering
  • The afterlife awaits you
  • You thought you could touch a god?
Minion of N'zoth killed
  • GRAHHHHHHH! You will pay for that children
Create Add
  • Minion your master calls to you!
Create Faceless Gladiator [ Heroic ]
  • Gladiator come forth to me!
Switching to a new form - Phase 3
  • Creation by creation and failure by failure now it waits you no other...Come the bones are so eager to feed. Face the god of Nightmares; Now relent or perish ahaha!
Switching to a new form - Heroic Mode
  • Too many aeons have passed of which you fail to understand the might of true old god. I'll show you what my brothers could not, I'll show you the might of what has been contained for over a millennia. You are my creations and only mortals!? The might of the titans could not stop us what chance do you have? Now you face a true old god the one that Aman'thul could not even stop! Ahahaha


  • Ny'alotha The Dreaming City - N'zoth in Heroic Mode or Normal mode
  • Foul Play - Have N'zoth kill a faceless Champion with Flesh spikes from within Phase IV