Unspeakable Collaborators

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NeutralUnspeakable Collaborators
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Type Rare Elite World Quest
Category Suramar
Reputation +350 The Nightfallen
Rewards Varies


  • Nightborne Collaborators slain (8)


Ly'leth Lunastre says: Fel infusion has become all the rage among those eager to please the Legion. There is no redeeming these traitors - hunt them down!


Ly'leth Lunastre says: Much like fashion, some day we shall wonder how anyone thought fel was a good look.



What you're looking for are Felborne Collaborators and Felsworn Nobles, which are paired with each other and are, if not always, patrolling. Pretty much all of the elite areas is included. You may want to find a group, depending if you can fly or not, and your class.

Patch changes

External links