Underdev/Dire Maul Preview

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This article is a copy of "Dire Maul Preview", an official article by Blizzard Entertainment. It's about the Dire Maul dungeon implemented in the game.

The original article, formerly located at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com:80/info/underdev/diremaul.html, did not survive the overhaul of the World of Warcraft Official Website.


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Cautiously, I crept through the verdant growth of Feralas, edging ever-closer to the towering walls peering through the trees. I remained hidden, careful to keep the horns of my feline shape from tangling in the undergrowth. There, dusky skin stark against the lush green of the woods, stood the Gordok ogres.

I had been sent here by the Sage to discover what happened to Eldre'Thalas, the once-formidable night elven vault of arcane secrets. The forest eventually reclaims everything built within its clutches, and the crumbling, vine-draped walls were simple proof that the same was happening here. Still, despite the green's steady encroachment, the stonework in many places was largely untouched - evidence of the skill that went into building this place. The night elves expended a great deal of effort to preserve the knowledge within its walls, and greater energy still to keep it there. As I stalked the edge of Eldre'Thalas, watching the Gordok squatting on the ancient ruins, remembering the whispers of ghostly Highborn haunting the locked passages, and smelling the stench of demonic magic in the air, it was certain to me that bringing to light the long-lost treasures of what is now Dire Maul would no doubt be a challenge for even the most skilled of adventurers.

My scouting done, I turned away, heading back to camp to prepare my companions . . .

Built long ago by a covert sect of Queen Azshara's followers, this ancient city was used by these arcanists to process the Queen's most important demands in secret. Thousands of years have passed since the destruction of the Well, and Dire Maul's three wings have been overrun by ghostly Highborn, demons, and ogres. Only the most daring party of adventurers can enter this dungeon and face the ancient evils within.
