Argent Crusade Tribute Chest

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This article is about the Trial of the Grand Crusader chest. For Trial of the Champion chest, see Champion's Cache.
For the Trial of the Crusader faction boss reward chest, see Champions' Cache.
Argent Tribute Chest.jpg

The Argent Crusade Tribute Chest was an object that spawned when Anub'arak was defeated in Crusaders' Coliseum on heroic mode. The items contained depends on the number of attempts left.


Attempts left Alliance Alliance Description Horde Horde
1-24 2 x  [Trophy of the Crusade] Currency 2 x  [Trophy of the Crusade]
 [Crusader Orb] Reagent  [Crusader Orb]
25-44 Includes the loot from 1-24
 [Lothar's Edge] Two-Hand, Axe  [Mor'kosh, the Bloodreaver]
 [Rhok'shalla, the Shadow's Bane] Ranged, Bow  [Frenzystrike Longbow]
 [The Spinebreaker] Main Hand, Fist Weapon  [The Facebreaker]
 [Honor of the Fallen] One-Hand, Mace  [Blood and Glory]
 [Heartcrusher] Main Hand, Mace  [Heartsmasher]
 [Paragon's Breadth] Two-Hand, Staff  [Attrition]
 [Spellstorm Blade] Main Hand, Sword  [Spellharvest]
45-49 Includes the loot from 1-44
2 extra  [Trophy of the Crusade] Currency 2 extra  [Trophy of the Crusade]
50 Includes the loot from 1-49
 [Swift Alliance Steed] (100% Drop) Mount  [Swift Horde Wolf] (100% Drop)
 [Cloak of the Silver Covenant] Back, DPS  [Cloak of Serrated Blades]
 [Cloak of the Unmoving Guardian] Back, Tank  [Cloak of the Unflinching Guardian]
 [Cloak of the Victorious Combatant] Back, DPS  [Cloak of the Triumphant Combatant]
 [Drape of Bitter Incantation] Back, Caster  [Drape of the Sunreavers]
 [Shawl of Fervent Crusader] Back, Caster  [Shawl of the Devout Crusader]


Attempts left Alliance Alliance Description Horde Horde
1-24 2 x  [Regalia of the Grand Conqueror] Currency 2 x  [Regalia of the Grand Conqueror]
or  [Regalia of the Grand Protector] or  [Regalia of the Grand Protector]
or  [Regalia of the Grand Vanquisher] or  [Regalia of the Grand Vanquisher]
25-44 Includes the loot from 1-24
 [BRK-1000] Ranged, Gun  [Fezzik's Autocannon]
 [Remorseless] One-Hand, Mace  [Cudgel of the Damned]
 [Catastrophe] Two-Hand, Mace  [Grievance]
 [Clemency] Two-Hand, Staff  [Sufferance]
 [Blade of the Unbroken Covenant] Main Hand, Sword  [Mortalis]
 [Silverwing Defender] One-Hand, Sword  [Orgrim's Deflector]
 [Decimation] Two-Hand, Sword  [Fleshrender]
45-49 Includes the loot from 1-44
2 extra  [Regalia of the Grand Conqueror] Currency 2 extra  [Regalia of the Grand Conqueror]
or  [Regalia of the Grand Protector] or  [Regalia of the Grand Protector]
or  [Regalia of the Grand Vanquisher] or  [Regalia of the Grand Vanquisher]
50 Includes the loot from 1-49
 [Bolvar's Devotion] Back, Caster  [Lady Liadrin's Conviction]
 [Jaina's Radiance] Back, Caster  [Aethas' Intensity]
 [Magni's Resolution] Back, Tank  [Cairne's Endurance]
 [Varian's Furor] Back, DPS  [Garrosh's Rage]
 [Vereesa's Dexterity] Back, DPS  [Sylvanas' Cunning]

The  [Crusader's White Warhorse] (Alliance) and the  [Crusader's Black Warhorse] (Horde) were awarded to the players achieving the feat of strength  [A Tribute to Immortality].

Patch changes

  • Cata-Logo-Small.png Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): This chest no longer appears and all the items within are no longer available.
  • Wrath-Logo-Small.png Patch 3.2.0 (2009-08-04): Added.

External links