Trial of Valor: Odyn's Favor

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NeutralTrial of Valor: Odyn's Favor
Start Havi [60.2, 50.7]
End Odyn
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Type Raid
Category Trial of Valor
Experience 16,450
Rewards  [Titan's Boon]
19g 40s
Previous N [45] Helya's Conquest
Next N [45R] Trial of Valor: Odyn's Judgment



Gain Odyn's favor within the Trial of Valor Raid.

  • Defeat Odyn in the Trial of Valor Raid.


The time to deal with that treacherous witch has come. I suspect you may be the one to deal the final blow, but I must be certain.

See me in the Halls of Valor and we will test the strength of your will.


You will receive: 19g 40s
Inv polearm 2h odynspear d 02.png [Titan's Boon]


Now a greater task awaits you.


Take the path leading southeast out of Valdisdall and head into the large building at the Gates of Valor. The entrance to the Trial of Valor raid instance will be on the right.

Do not go into the Halls of Valor as the description implies.


  1. N [45] A Call to Action
  2. N [45] A Threat Rises
  3. N [45] Helya's Conquest
  4. N [45R] Trial of Valor: Odyn's Favor
  5. N [45R] Trial of Valor: Odyn's Judgment

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