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This article contains information from the Warcraft RPG which is considered non-canon.

Traphands were invented by an orc tinker after his brother lost both hands to a trunk trapped with a gunpowder charge. The operator of a pair of traphands sticks his hands into gauntlet-like holes in the side of the device. By moving her hands, the operator controls the movement of hands mounted on long arms that can be extended up to 15 feet from the device. Traphands are deft enough to allow the use of lockpicks and thieves' tools. Though they have a mailed exterior in an attempt to resist damage inflicted by acid, needles and other traps, the delicate machinery in the hands is prone to malfunction.

As implied by the name, traphands are used primarily to disable dangerous devices ranging from trapped doors and chest to land mines. Yet in recent years, betting on sword fighting competitions using traphands has become popular among gamblers in Ratchet and taverns across Kalimdor.[1]


  1. ^ Magic & Mayhem, pg. 181