Transmute: Primal Water to Shadow

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Transmute: Primal Water to Shadow allows an alchemist to change a [Primal Water] into [Primal Shadow]. This requires a [Philosopher's Stone] and triggers a 20-hour transmute cooldown.


This skill can only be learned through discovery.

Required Tools:
Inv misc orb 01.png [Philosopher's Stone]
Inv elemental primal water.png [Primal Water]
Inv elemental primal shadow.png [Primal Shadow]


[Mote of Shadow] was made very rare after 2.1, and more patterns have been added that require [Primal Shadow]. [Primal Shadow] now auctions for the same as or more than [Primal Water]. As a consequence, this transmute has become much more attractive than it originally was.

External links