Trading Favors: Tirna Scithe

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NeutralTrading Favors: Tirna Scithe
Start Finder Ta'sul
End Finder Ta'sul
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Dungeon
Category Oribos


Obtain an Engorged Gorm Larva from Tred'ova in the Mists of Tirna Scithe.


The gorm devour anything in their path when left unchecked. We have sold more than a few of them as both pets and weapons. You do not want to see what a world looks like when they are introduced to it and allowed to infest.

Or perhaps, mhm, you do? For some, that is entertainment.

It is difficult for us to explore Ardenweald with things as they are at this time. A fat, healthy gorm larva would fetch a fine price on the markets. I trust my meaning is understood?


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv misc questionmark.png Ascended Commendation#500 reputation Inv misc questionmark.png Undying Army Commendation#500 reputation
Inv misc questionmark.png Wild Hunt Commendation#500 reputation Inv misc questionmark.png Court of Harvesters Commendation#500 reputation

You will also receive:


Have you completed the task?


Oh, what is this? It is so bulbous and squirming, it must be close to the next molting. I am something of an amateur gorm-breeder myself, and will find a proper place to raise this one.

You may trust that I intend to destroy no worlds, I give you my word.

Now, I must tend to him, gather something from our stocks on your way out.

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