Trading Favors

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NeutralTrading Favors
Start Host Ta'rela
End Finder Ta'sul
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Oribos
Experience 950
Rewards Dungeon dailies in the Broker's Den
2g 57s 40c


Report to Finder Ta'sul in Oribos.


Welcome, friend.

I can see by your garb that you must have quite a storied history. Many unique relics befitting of one that has traveled the worlds and vanquished many foes.

There are those of us that find great value in such things, and would willingly part with our own valuables for a taste of what you may find.

Let your curiosity guide you to the dark hallway across from the cookpots in the next room. Down there, you will find answers.


You will receive:

  • 2g 57s 40c
  • 950 XP


Ah, you must have been sent by Ta'rela. We have need of your services.

Trust me, we will make it more than worth your while.

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