Totem Eclipse

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NeutralTotem Eclipse
Start Hunt-Captain Korayn [51.3, 34.0]
End Hunt-Captain Korayn
Level 55-60
Category Ardenweald
Experience 6,800
Rewards 24g 80s 40c
Previous N [55-60] The Missing Hunters, N [55-60] Extreme Recycling
Next N [55-60] I Know Your Face


Destroy Foul Totems.

  • Foul Totems destroyed (4)


I can smell our foes' dark magic, twisting the air and muddling my mind. They are up to something. Bringing awful powers into Ardenweald.

If you see any of their totems, destroy them immediately.

I always feel better after smashing something to pieces, don't you?


You will receive:

  • 24g 80s 40c
  • 6,800 XP


What terrible magic has been brought into Ardenweald?


If it was not clear before, it is now. This is a personal hunt.

We will rid Ardenweald of this monster.


Pick up both quests before heading out.

There are four Foul Totems, marked on the minimap:

As each totem is destroyed, someone chimes in. The first:

Lorkron the Hunter says: Korayn... ever the cunning huntress.
Hunt-Captain Korayn says: I know that voice. But he fell in battle...


Lorkron the Hunter says: Know your prey. The first lesson you taught me. One you have forgotten.
Hunt-Captain Korayn says: Lorkron... what has become of you?


Lorkron the Hunter says: Do you not recognize your quarry? The blades they wield? The faces behind the masks?
Hunt-Captain Korayn says: The masked fae... this is the fate that awaits them?!


Lorkron the Hunter says: You sent us on a doomed hunt. Now you are the prey. And I know you well.
Hunt-Captain Korayn says: Enough, Lorkron! If you truly know me, then you should be afraid.


  1. N [55-60] Call of the Hunt
  2. N [55-60] The Missing Hunters and N [55-60] Extreme Recycling
  3. N [55-60] Totem Eclipse and N [55-60] Big Problem, Little Vorkai
  4. N [55-60] I Know Your Face
  5. N [55-60] Return to Tirna Vaal
  6. N [55-60] Nightmares Manifest

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