Tooth and Claw (Horde)

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For other uses, see Tooth and Claw (disambiguation).
HordeTooth and Claw
Start Nimi Brightcastle
End Nimi Brightcastle
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Type Daily
Category Tanaan Jungle
Experience 1,350
Reputation +1,500 Saberstalkers
Rewards 100  [Blackfang Claw]
16g 98s
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [40 Daily] Tooth and Claw.

Tooth and Claw is a daily quest that is randomly offered by Nimi Brightcastle for each region. It is the only one to reward  [Blackfang Claws], and only one of two quests to give reputation with the Saberstalkers.


Collect 100 Tanaan Jungle Teeth from the various wildlife within Tanaan Jungle.


Beyond the meager shelter of these fortress walls, the jungle closes in. Can you feel it? That is the untamed wilderness, <class>, calling forth our primal instincts. There is no better way to feel alive than to court death.

Join me in the hunt, <name>! Collect teeth from the wild beasts. The ravagers in Thornmire, the raptors in Zorammarsh - even the sea creatures along the strand and the little podling plants themselves all have teeth. Bring them to me!


You will receive:
Inv misc blacksaberonfang.png 100x [Blackfang Claw]

You will also receive:


I trust the hunt goes well?


Oh, this is quite the collection. How many of these sunk into your flesh? Exhilarating, isn't it?


Patch changes

External links