Tome of Arcane Brilliance 2

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  • Tome of Arcane Brilliance 2
  • Use: Teaches Arcane Brilliance (Rank 2).
    Infuses the target's party with brilliance, increasing their Intellect by 40 for 1 hour.
  • Classes: Mage
  • Requires Level 70
  • Sell Price: 10g

Tome of Arcane Brilliance 2 is an Outland world drop.


Despite being converted into vendor trash in Cataclysm, it was not removed and can still drop on retail realms.

Other versions

  • Retail

    • Tome of Arcane Brilliance
    • Classes: Mage
    • Requires Level 27
    • "This item appears damaged by the elements and no longer readable."
    • Sell Price: 10g

Patch changes

External links