To Track a Thief

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HordeTo Track a Thief
Start Automatic
End Automatic
Level 5-30
Category Northern Barrens
Experience 190
Previous H [5-30] Investigate the Wreckage
Next H [5-30] The Stolen Silver


The tracks lead to the east side of Thorn Hill. Follow them and see what you find.

  • Source of Tracks Discovered


Animal tracks surround the wreckage, tracks made by enormous curved claws. They appear to be raptor tracks.

Your first instinct is that raptor-riders assaulted the caravan, but the impressions aren't deep and there are no non-animal tracks to be seen.

The tracks head northeast of here toward the east side of Thorn Hill. The answer to this mystery must lie in its shadow.


You will receive:


Before you lies an entire community of raptors, ducking in and out of hovels, snarling at one another, and working together to construct primitive huts. Collections of shiny things surround their nests. Mystery solved!


  1. H [5-30] Echeyakee
  2. H [5-30] Into the Raptor's Den
  3. H [5-30] The Purloined Payroll
  4. H [5-30] Investigate the Wreckage
  5. H [5-30] To Track a Thief
  6. H [5-30] The Stolen Silver

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