To Haustvald

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NeutralTo Haustvald
Start Havi
End Vydhar
Level 10-45
Category Stormheim
Experience 15,050
Reputation +10 Valarjar
Rewards 15g 40s
Previous N [10-45] Speaking of Bones
Next N [10-45] Turn the Keys, N [10-45] The Runewood's Revenge


Meet with Vydhar in the Runewood.


Your next steps are clear, your feet know the way. Follow them to Haustvald and meet your fate!

It is the tree you seek, the heart of the mystic Runewood. He will offer guidance, and probably leaves.


You will receive:

  • 15g 40s (at level 100)
  • 15,050 XP (at level 100)
  • +10 Valarjar


Bound... twisted...

The Bonespeakers...


On approach
Vydhar says: Dying roots... twisted leaves... the runestones...


  1. N [10-45] The Trials Continue
  2. N [10-45] Speaking of Bones
  3. N [10-45] To Haustvald
  4. N [10-45] Turn the Keys & N [10-45] The Runewood's Revenge
  5. N [10-45] The Dreaming Fungus & N [10-45] Bjornharta
  6. N [10-45] Judgment Day
  7. N [10-45] Regal Remains & N [10-45] Breaking the Bonespeakers & N [10-45] The Runes that Bind
  8. N [10-45] Waking the Shieldmaiden
  9. N [10-45] The Final Judgment

Patch changes

External links