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Three Sheets to the Wind (Horde)

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HordeThree Sheets to the Wind
Start Secott the Goldsmith
End Biru The Drunk
Level 10-50
Category Mining
Rewards Mining Technique: Storm Silver Seam (Rank 2)
Next H Mining [10-50] The Wrath of Grapes
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A Mining [10-50] Three Sheets to the Wind.


Bring Biru The Drunk a drink he likes to learn his mining secrets.


You want to know more about storm silver?

Fine, if you are mining from a seam and make a mistake, you can make a deadly cloud of powderized metal. Now go.

<After a moment Secott's face softens.>

I am very busy, but if you insist on not dying, you should talk to my former apprentice, Biru. He is a drunk at Spirits Be With You, but he has some knowledge.

Talk to Ximo, de Innkeeper, and buy him a drink. If he likes it, he'll talk, if not... well, I hope you have enough coin for more drinks.


You will learn: Mining Technique: Storm Silver Seam (Rank 2)




<Biru rambles almost incoherently, explaining the mechanics of mining storm silver from a seam>

... and dat is how you... get de most of mining... Zzz...

<As Biru drifts to sleep amidst a pungent cloud of brandy vapors, you think of the advice he provided.

Eager to experiment with your new mining technique, you leave the sleeping troll laying where he is.>



  1. H Mining [10-50] Three Sheets to the Wind
  2. H Mining [10-50] Back to Biru
  3. H Mining [10-50] The Wrath of Grapes

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