Thick Skin

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For the demon hunter ability, see [Thick Skin].
NeutralThick Skin

An Overgrown Mass
Start Bonesmith Heirmir [36.3, 71.1]
End Bonesmith Heirmir [36.3, 71.1]
Level 53-60
Category Maldraxxus
Experience 8,850
Rewards  [Corpse-Stitcher's Leggings]
or  [Flesh Architect's Leggings]
or  [Deceitful Agent's Breeches]
or  [Cruel Executioner's Legguards]
24g 33s 60c
Previous N [53-60] Forging a Champion
Next N [53-60] The Blade of the Primus


Animated Flesh

Collect 40 Pulsating Hide Scraps from Overgrown Masses.


The Primus forged a fine blade, but it will do you no good in its current state.

Fortunately for you, I possess the skill to finish his work!

That being said, I will require materials. The other Chosen have been too preoccupied with their combat drills to assist me at the forge, even as they demand more weapons and armor.

That's where you come in. You want a new blade? You'll have to earn it.


You will receive one of:
Inv pant cloth oribosquesting b 01.png [Corpse-Stitcher's Leggings] Inv mail oribosquesting b 01 pants.png [Flesh Architect's Leggings]
Inv pant oribosquesting b 01.png [Deceitful Agent's Breeches] Inv pant plate oribosquesting b 01.png [Cruel Executioner's Legguards]

You will also receive:

  • 24g 33s 60c
  • 8,850 XP


Can't be that difficult, can it?


You work quickly, don't you? I could use more assistants like you.


On accept of both:

Bonesmith Heirmir says: Nothing is given. Everything is earned. That includes the materials for your hilt.

Blobs of Overgrown Mass will spawn an Animated Flesh mob or two. Defeat it to loot 4-6 Pulsating Hides.


  1. N [53-60] The First Act of War
  2. N [53-60] The Hills Have Eyes and N [53-60] Maintaining Order
  3. N [53-60] Never Enough
  4. N [53-60] Through the Fire and Flames
  5. N [53-60] Forging a Champion
  6. N [53-60] Ossein Enchantment and N [53-60] Thick Skin
  7. N [53-60] The Blade of the Primus
  8. N [53-60] The Path to Glory
  9. N [53-60] Meet the Margrave
  10. N [53-60] The Seat of the Primus

Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


That's a fine blade, but it's nowhere near the power it could possess.

Count yourself lucky you found the best smith in all realms!

If this blade is to reach its full potential, I'll need plenty of supplies. Been awful dry at the forge without helpers around.

S'pose that's where you come in! You want this sword finished, you bring me some pulsating hides to get the job done!


You work quick! Been a while since I had reliable help.

Patch changes

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