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They Say It's a Delicacy

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HordeThey Say It's a Delicacy
Start Witch Doctor Jangalar
End Witch Doctor Jangalar
Level 10-60
Category Zuldazar
Experience 16,450
Reputation +75 Zandalari Empire
Rewards 19g 40s
Previous H [10-60] Monstrous Matchmaker
Next H [10-60] Brutal Boost & H [10-60] Setting the Mood


Obtain 25 Partially Digested Pods from the bellies of nearby diemetradons.


A romantic meal is de way to set up an evening for love. Dis is true for us, so why not for Maka'fon? Bring her something rare and pleasing to her palate.

Diemetrodons near de water eat hard seed pods and partially digest them. With a little voodoo, something magical can happen to de pods. It may be disgusting to you and I, but de brutosaurs consider it a rare delicacy. Such is life.

Dere are plenty of diemetradons, so some must die dat de brutosaurs might live. Such is de purpose of death.


You will receive:


De pods we need become edible only in de belly of de diemetradons. Watch your fingers in dere... de scales be sharp.


De pods may be unpleasant to us, but de brutosaurs like dem just fine.




  1. H [10-60] Monstrous Matchmaker
  2. H [10-60] The Scent for a Brutosaur, H [10-60] They Say It's a Delicacy & H [10-60] Aggressive Mating Strategy
  3. H [10-60] Setting the Mood & H [10-60] Brutal Boost
  4. H [10-60] Mating Season Halftime
  5. H [10-60] Give it a Little Juice
  6. H [10-60] Size Matters
  7. H [10-60] The Head of Her Enemy

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