The Wastewandering Dead

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NeutralThe Wastewandering Dead
Start Tracker Samara
End Tracker Samara
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Type Daily
Category Uldum
Experience 17,850
Reputation +250 Uldum Accord
Rewards [Coalescing Visions]
196g 37s

The Wastewandering Dead is the daily version of N [50] Wastewander Hosts.


Kill 6 Wastewander Hosts.


Is there no end to these foul monsters!?

I cannot abide the desecration of our dead, especially not as fodder for this disgusting insect army.

Destroy as many as you can, preferably with fire!


You will receive:


I hope you've been keeping count of your kills.


There is just no end to them...

Patch changes

External links