The Twilight Survivor (Horde)

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HordeThe Twilight Survivor
Start Grol Warblade
End Grol Warblade
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Silithus: The Wound
Experience 16,450
Rewards 19g 40s
Previous H [45] Lazy Prospectors!
Next H [45] Khadgar's Request
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [45] The Twilight Survivor.


Retrieve Michiel Voidstrider's head.


This land was once overrun with members of the Twilight's Hammer.

The cult was presumed to be exterminated, but darkness always survives in the shadows.

Most of the cultists were destroyed by Sargeras in the attack, but a few yet live. Their leader, Michiel Voidstrider has been emboldened by the destruction of Silithus.

We cannot let this fanatic rally the remaining survivors to action! Bring me his head!


You will receive:

  • 19g 40s
  • 16,450 XP


We cannot allow the Twilight's Hammer to regain their foothold in Silithus!


I see you have brought the head of Michiel Voidstrider. It will look glorious mounted on a spike! The Horde thanks you for your service, <name>.


On accept:

Grol Warblade says: We cannot let this fanatic rally the remaining survivors to action! Bring me his head!

Fly to the southwest corner of Silithus to see what's left of the Twilight Outpost. At the northeast corner of the outpost, keep an eye out for the Twilight Outhouse. Angus Stormbrew has managed to get himself trapped and needs N [45] A Wee Bit O' Cloth.

In addition to the quest target, there's also a rare ogre in the area: Ogmot the Mad.


Pre-8.0 breadcrumbs (no longer available):

  1. A [110] Summons to Stormwind / H [110] Summons to Orgrimmar
  2. A [110] Gifts of the Fallen / H [110] A Recent Discovery
  3. B [110] Witness to the Wound

Active quests:

  1. A [45] Free Samples / H [45] Lazy Prospectors!
  2. B [45] The Twilight Survivor
    1. B [45] Desert Research
    2. B [45] The Source of Power & B [45] Larvae By The Dozen
  3. A [45] A Recent Arrival / H [45] Khadgar's Request
  4. B [45] The Speaker's Perspective
  5. B [45] The Blood of Azeroth

Pre-8.0 finale for players with Legion Artifact weapons (no longer available):

  1. B [110] The Speaker's Call
  2. N [110] The Power in Our Hands

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