The Twilight Plot (Horde)

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HordeThe Twilight Plot
Start Examiner Rowe [51.2, 50.1]
End Examiner Rowe [51.2, 50.1]
Level 30-35
Category Deepholm
Experience 43900
Rewards 8g 60s (+16g 53s at max level)
Shareable Yes
Next H [30-35] Fight Fire and Water and Air with..., H [30-35] Decryption Made Easy
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [30-35] The Twilight Plot.


Collect the Masters' Gate Plans.


We came here to investigate rumors of a Titan artifact up at the Masters' Gate to the southwest.

One of those Twilight's Hammer cultists must have the plans for what they're doing up there. You're going to have to get them for us, <name>.

Kill cultists at the Masters' Gate until you find them.


You will receive: 8g 60s (or 16g 53s at max level)


Those plans are the key to everything.


<The examiner takes a look at the plans that you hand to him.>

This is just gibberish!

What does this even say? What language is that?


  1. A [30-35] The Explorers / H [30-35] The Reliquary (optional, only available during Middle World Pillar Fragment quests)
  2. B [30-35] Fly Over & B [30-35] The Twilight Plot
  3. B [30-35] Decryption Made Easy
  4. B [30-35] The Wrong Sequence
  5. B [30-35] That's No Pyramid!
  6. B [30-35] Meetup with the Caravan or A [30-35] Hero's Call: Uldum! or H [30-35] Warchief's Command: Uldum!

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