The Truth Unorbed

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NeutralThe Truth Unorbed
Start  [Orb of the Grishna]
End Tree Warden Chawn
Level 20-30
Category Blade's Edge Mountains
Experience 1200 EXP (or 7s 20c at level 80)


Deliver the Orb of the Grishna to Tree Warden Chawn at Ruuan Weald in the Blade's Edge Mountains.


This strange, magical orb drops from beneath the contour feathers of the arakkoa.

Suffused with an eerie, purple glow, the orb pulses to an unheard beat. Holding it makes you mildly uncomfortable, and so you quickly place it within your pack.

Perhaps Tree Warden Chawn at Ruuan Weald to the west, through the tunnel and across the Wyrmskull Bridge, would be interested in examining it?


You will receive:

  • 1200 XP (or 7s 20c at level 80)


<Class>, do you feel that? I sense something unnatural and evil nearby.


Yes, it's that orb you have there! Odd, it appears to be of arakkoan design. Were you recently at Grishnath?

All right, that explains that, but I wonder what diabolical purpose this object serves. Though it radiates evil, it also somehow feels as if it were connected to the natural world as well.

Here, allow me to try activate it. The evil is so strong within it, there's some sort of residual memory here....


  1. N [20-30] The Truth Unorbed
  2. N [20-30] Treebole Must Know
  3. N [20-30] Exorcising the Trees

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