Thunder Forges

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For the scenario that takes place here, see N [90] The Thunder Forge.
The Thunder Forges.
Thunder Forge interior.

The Thunder Forges[56, 33] are found northwest of the Bloodied Crossing on the northern end of the Isle of Thunder. To the northwest is the mouth of the Lightning Vein Mine and to the southwest is the Beast Pens. The forge was built atop of ancient titan machinery and powered by  [The Fist of Ra-den] and  [The Highkeeper's Ward] for thousands of years, until the items were recovered by Master Snowdrift and the Shado-pan, who brought them to Xuen.[1]

As the heroes conquer the Isle, they will unlock the powerful Thunder Forges, which will allow Blacksmiths to forge mighty raid-worthy items, as well as classic weapons from the past.


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