The Staff of Storm's Fury

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  • The Staff of Storm's Fury
  • Quest Item
  • Unique
  • "Electricity arcs out from the head of the staff."
The Staff of Storm's Fury.jpg


The Staff of Storm's Fury is an artifact looted from the grave of Rodin the Reckless at Shield Hill. Rodin's ghost now haunts the site, seeking revenge and calling curses upon the thieves (and pretty much everyone else around).

The Northsea Freebooters looted the staff and got as far as Iskaal (in Howling Fjord) before abandoning the ship, leaving a lone madman, Abdul the Insane aboard.

The staff can be found at the far end of the ship's hold.[35.3, 64.8]

Objective of

This item is an objective of N [10-30] The Staff of Storm's Fury.


When returning the staff to the grave, Rodin says:

From the mist and fog the Kvaldir approach. Flee while you still breathe the air of the living...

Patch changes

External links

Item Object