The Royal Apothecary

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HordeThe Royal Apothecary
Start Zolani
End Jol the Ancient
Level 110 - 120 (Requires 110)
Category Zuldazar
Experience 8,300
Rewards 9g 90s
Previous H [10-60] The Wounded King
Next The Tortollan Way, H [10-60] The Scent of Vengeance


Gather 10 Royal Sundrop and take them to Jol the Ancient in Zeb'ahari.


<Zolani greets you with a grim nod.>

Rastakhan be safe, for now. Scarbeak took him to the village of Zeb'ahari just down the road. Our two greatest healers be with him. Hopefully he can be saved.

I been instructed to gather some medicinal herbs for the Royal Apothecary but somehow Zul's followers knew we would be here. Huiteco is injured. She be grounded for now, but I tend to her.

You should go on ahead. Pick as many of those purple flowers as you can and look for Jol the Ancient in the village.


You will receive:

  • 8,300 XP
  • 9g 90s


Is that Royal Sundrop I smell?


Ah, Royal Sundrop. It smells pleasant, yes, but most importantly it will stem the King's bleeding.

<Jol does not seem at all alarmed.>

If you had waited much longer to bring this to me, Rastakhan would surely be dead. I am certain he is very grateful.


On accept
Zolani says: Come on, girl. Let's get you patched up. De king needs us.

Click on Royal Sundrop found throughout the area, downhill. Those look like purple sunflowers. There are stealthed Atal'zul Assassins near them.

On approach
Jol the Ancient says: Such a wound cuts two ways. His body is broken, but betrayal weakens the spirit too.
Jamil Abul'housin says: Leave his spirit to me, ol' mon.

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