The Princess Unleashed (Horde)

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HordeThe Princess Unleashed
Start Zaruk
End Shards of Myzrael
Level 10-30 (Requires 10)
Type Group
Category Arathi Highlands
Experience 2,850
Rewards  [Wrap of Open Menace]
or  [Eldritch Gloves]
or  [Earthbound Mantle]
or  [Shackling Gloves]
or  [Mantle of the Bound]
Previous H [10-30] Myzrael's Tale
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [10-30G] The Princess Unleashed.


Summon and defeat Myzrael at the Shards of Myzrael.


Myzrael is a deceiver. She is an ancient force sealed long ago, and must be kept that way.

You must confront her at the Shards of Myzrael where you first spoke with her. Summon her with this scroll, and when she has been fully brought to the surface, defeat her. Then take the Eldritch Shackles from her body and place them on the Shards to keep her fully bound once more.

Good luck, <name>... may my past trouble you no more.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv misc cape 18.png [Wrap of Open Menace] Inv gauntlets 15.png [Eldritch Gloves]
Inv shoulder 08.png [Earthbound Mantle] Inv gauntlets 32.png [Shackling Gloves]
Inv shoulder 08.png [Mantle of the Bound]

You will also receive:

  • 40s
  • 2,850 XP


The Shards of Myzrael are now strangely quiet.


As the eldritch shackles are placed around the Shards, an unhuman wail is heard from far below. The scream is followed by a roar.

The Shards of Myzrael no longer invoke feelings of warmth and security as they once did. Now they pulse with an open menace... as if the thing beneath them holds ill will toward the surface.


  1. H [10-30] Myzrael's Tale
  2. H [10-30G] The Princess Unleashed

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