The Power of the Elements

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HordeThe Power of the Elements
Start Dorain Frosthoof
End Dorain Frosthoof
Level 10-30
Category Borean Tundra
Experience 20,100 (or 2g 40scompensation at level 80)
Reputation The Taunka +250
Rewards 4g 70s
Previous H [10-30] Load 'er Up!
Next H [10-30] Patching Up


Dorain Frosthoof at Taunka'le Village wants you to use the Windsoul Totem to gather the energy of 10 Steam Ragers.


I kept trying to tell that silly goblin his machines are unreliable.

But the power of the elements; that is deep and abiding. When my apprenticeship is over, I will wield their full power. What I know now should be sufficient to help out our friend Fezzix, though.

Take this windsoul totem and plant it near any of the steam ragers to the west of the village. The totem will gather up the energies of slain elementals. Return the fully charged totem to me and I'll do the rest.


You will receive:


Have you charged the totem?


<Dorain nods.>

Good. This should be sufficient to show Fezzix exactly what I've been trying to tell him.


Load 'er Up! is a prerequisite. Steam Ragers can be found in Steam Springs.

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