The Owlbeasts' Defense

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NeutralThe Owlbeasts' Defense
Start Haleh
End Haleh
Level 15-30
Category Winterspring
Experience 7890
Previous N [15-30] Altered Beasts
Next N [15-30] Magic Prehistoric


Obtain an Owlbeast Dreamcatcher from Dun Mandarr.


What a shame. Whatever Umbranse has done, he has prevented me from undoing his magic.

He is wiser than I had anticipated.

I do have a backup plan, however. I have seen owlbeasts enter and leave Mazthoril, even after Umbranse took control. Their ancient druidic magic must be capable of disabling Umbranse's. Luckily, I happen to be somewhat of an expert in their methods.

Travel south, to Dun Mandarr. You will find a chest with a dreamcatcher in it.

That will be your first step.


The owlbeasts' magic will be the key to our retaking of Mazthoril.


Good. It is just as Jaron described it.


  1. N [15-30] The Pursuit of Umbranse
  2. N [15-30] Altered Beasts
  3. N [15-30] The Owlbeasts' Defense
  4. N [15-30] Magic Prehistoric
    1. N [15-30] Razor Beak and Antlers Pointy
    2. N [15-30] Chips off the Old Block / N [15-30] Damn You, Frostilicus
  5. N [15-30] Winterwater
  6. N [15-30] The Arcane Storm Within / N [15-30] Umbranse's Deliverance

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