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The Littlest Defender

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NeutralThe Littlest Defender
Start H'partho Ardoros
End H'partho Ardoros
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Uldum
Experience 17,850
Reputation +900  [Shadowbarb Hatchling]
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [50] They Grow So Fast


Defeat the Baruk Stone Defender in a pet battle with your  [Shadowbarb Hatchling] in your party.


The Baruk mogu are known for animating ancient statues to serve as defenders of their territory. They are a resilient foe, and much can be learned from battling an enemy with such rigid defenses.

Fortunately, it seems like one of their Stoneshapers mistakenly animated a small idol. It has been discarded as useless to the mogu who made it, but it could prove a valuable training opportunity for our hatchling.

Find this miniature defender in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.


You will receive:


Did you find the stone defender?


I knew our little hatchling could hand the mogu creation!

His prowess grows with each passing day!


Baruk Stone Defender is located at the Ruins of Guo-Lai.[28.5, 34.9]

Your Shadowbarb Hatchling (battle pet) does not need to survive in order to receive credit.


  1. N [50] The Incredible Egg
  2. N [50] Match the Hatch
  3. Daily quests: (offered for several days)
  4. N [50] A Shocking Technique
  5. N [50] Coming Out of His Shell
  6. N [50] A Balanced Diet
  7. Daily quests: (offered for several days)
  8. N [50] They Grow So Fast
  9. Daily quests: (offered for several days)
  10. N [50] A Custom Order
  11. N [50] Otherworldly Armaments
  12. N [50] My Own Drone

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