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The Key Is Around Here Somewhere...

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NeutralThe Key Is Around Here Somewhere...
Start Angus Stormbrew
End Angus Stormbrew
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Suramar
Rewards  [Enchanted Nightborne Coin]
19g 40s
Shareable Yes
Next N [45] Search and Rescue!


Find the Reinforced Cage Key.


Well aren't ye a sight fer sore eyes!

It's no use tryin' to bust open this cage, this one needs a key!

Now, I know what yer thinkin', "How is it possible that the Burnin' Legion could capture a dwarf as mighty as ol' Angus here."

Ye can rest easy knowin' I let myself be captured. I'm here to rescue a dear friend o' mine, an' gettin' captured was the only way!

I had the key in me pocket... but it musta' fell out.

It's errm... around here somewhere.

A felhunter ate it a wee while back...


You will receive: 19g 40s
Inv misc coin 17.png [Enchanted Nightborne Coin]


Did ye find the key?


Ye found the key! Quickly, see if it fits...

Aye, that's the one! Ye did it!


It's in the poo.


  1. N [45] The Key Is Around Here Somewhere...
  2. N [45] Search and Rescue!
  3. N [45] Into The Pit!
  4. N [45] Parts Unknown
  5. N [45] Mangelrath

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