The Jewel of Kajaro

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NeutralThe Jewel of Kajaro
Start Al'tabim the All-Seeing
End Al'tabim the All-Seeing
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Type Raid
Category Zul'Gurub
Experience 2650 EXP (or 3g 96s at level 70)
Reputation +250 Zandalar tribe
Rewards  [Jewel of Kajaro]


Give me the talisman, <name>. I must show you something.


You receive
Inv jewelry necklace 26.png [Jewel of Kajaro]


<Al'tabim shatters the pebble with a powerful unseen force.>

Do you see? The pebble is what we call a geode. Inside the pebble are powerful crystals that have been soaking in the latent energies from our world. By cutting the pebble in half, I have finally allowed its full potential to be realized. Use it to lay waste to our enemies.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 2650 XP (or 3g 96s at level 70)

Patch changes

External links