The Human, Ras Frostwhisper

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NeutralThe Human, Ras Frostwhisper
Start Magistrate Marduke
End Magistrate Marduke
Level 60 (Requires 57)
Type Group
Category Western Plaguelands
Experience 6600 XP
Next N [60G] The Dying, Ras Frostwhisper

The Human, Ras Frostwhisper is the first quest in the Ras Frostwhisper quest chain.


Travel to the Arathi Highlands, to the ruins of Stromgarde. Search Stromgarde for a Keepsake of Remembrance. If you find such an item, return with it to Magistrate Marduke.


The undead fear life just as the living fear death. It is not unusual for a sentient undead being to completely destroy all remnants of his or her previous life after having turned.

Unfortunately, in order to create an artifact capable of reverting Ras Frostwhisper to a mortal, we must have a keepsake from his years among the living.

You must venture to the ruined city of Stromgarde, Frostwhisper's home, and search for such an item. May luck be with you, <name>.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 6600 XP (or 57s at max level)


A keepsake of remembrance is a rare find, <name>.


I had doubted the possibility of such an item existing. This certainly opens up an incredible opportunity - one we must not squander.

Prepare yourself, <name>, for what I am about to ask of you will take you into the depths of hell.


  1. N [60G] The Human, Ras Frostwhisper
  2. N [60G] The Dying, Ras Frostwhisper
  3. N [60D] Menethil's Gift
  4. N [60G] Menethil's Gift
  5. N [60G] Soulbound Keepsake
  6. N [60D] The Lich, Ras Frostwhisper

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