The Heart of the Matter (Slave Pens)

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NeutralThe Heart of the Matter
Start Watcher Jhang
End Watcher Jhang
Level 10-30 (Requires 10)
Type Dungeon
Category Slave Pens
Experience 22000
Rewards  [Cenarion Ring of Casting] or  [Goldenvine Wraps] or  [Dark Cloak of the Marsh]
6g 60s


Bring  [The Invader's Claw] and  [The Slave Master's Eye] to Watcher Jhang.


From what Nahuud has told me, two mighty creatures, Rokmar the Crackler and Quagmirran, were among the first enslaved by the naga when they arrived. They helped to subjugate many of the native races of Zangarmarsh.

Though it pains me greatly to ask you to do so, you must put them down.


You will be allowed to choose one of the following
Inv jewelry ring 24.png [Cenarion Ring of Casting] Inv bracer 12.png [Goldenvine Wraps]
Inv misc cape 20.png [Dark Cloak of the Marsh]

You will also receive: 6g 60s


Did you slay them?


I'm glad that their spirits are now free. I wish we could say the same for the rest of their kind.

There is still much work to be done, especially elsewhere in Coilfang.


You will receive:

  • 22000 XP

Patch changes

External links