The Glory of Argus

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NeutralThe Glory of Argus
Start  [Withered Astral Glory]
End Alchemist Funen
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Herbalism
Rewards Herbalism Technique: Astral Glory (Rank 1)
Next N Herbalism [45] Youthful Resistance


Find someone on Argus who might be able to train you on how to handle Astral Glory.


<Amazed that anything so pure could continue to grow on this planet, you pick the flower from the ground. You feel a small power radiate from it and then vanish.>

<As it falls apart in your hands, you wonder if anyone on this Light-forsaken place knows how to handle this precious herb.>


You will learn the following: Herbalism Technique: Astral Glory (Rank 1)


So you were trying to gather astral glory I see. Yes, there is a method to doing it correctly.

The flower has a power to it, allowing it to protect itself from anything it thinks may seek to destroy it. If it feels truly threatened, it extinguishes itself.

You mustn't try to pick it with intent to harm, but to protect. It's an unfortunate irony as we eventually destroy it in the process of making items with it.

However, this deception is necessary for it to yield itself to you.


  1. N Herbalism [45] The Glory of Argus
  2. N Herbalism [45] Youthful Resistance
  3. N Herbalism [45] The Heart of It

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