The Fragment's Inside

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NeutralThe Fragment's Inside
Start Automatic
End King Oremantle
Level 83 (Requires 81)
Category Deepholm
Experience 57645
Rewards  [Axe of Earthly Sundering]
17g 20s
Previous N [30-35] One With the Ground
Next N [30-35] The Middle Fragment


Collect the Middle Fragment of the World Pillar.


The Middle Fragment of the World Pillar is within Avalanchion's Vault. Enter and retrieve it.


You will receive: 17g 20s


Do you have it? Do you have the fragment?


Avalanchion? I should have crushed that stupid old elemental when I had the chance ages ago!

The Twilight's Hammer and Therazane were both after the fragment. We'd best get it back to the Temple of Earth.


Enter the cave. Twilight's Hammer cultists are busy fighting Jade Ragers. Clear a path to the bottom of the cave (or just ignore the fights if possible) to see Avalanchion up on a ledge, heavily weakened at 88153/195,000 health. Kill him and the fragment drops to his side. Loot it and head back to the temple.

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