The Curse of the Tombs

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NeutralThe Curse of the Tombs
Start Sun Prophet Tumet [67.3, 42.8]
End Sun Prophet Tumet [67.3, 42.8]
Level 30-35
Category Uldum
Experience 4,100
Reputation +250 Ramkahen
10g 50s
Previous N [30-35] The Defense of Nahom
Next N [30-35] Artificial Intelligence


Slay 6 Crazed Diggers and Mekgineer Mixeltweed.


The Neferset are not the only threat to our sacred tombs.

A gnomish expedition stumbled upon our lands a few weeks ago.

They did not heed our warnings and dug too deep within a cursed vault.

Their entire expedition is now afflicted by a terrible curse that has robbed them of their sanity and taken control of their minds.

They now seek access to the deepest vaults of Uldum and pose a great threat.

Go to the Sunstone Terrace and put their wretched souls out of their misery.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv chest cloth cataclysm b 02.png [Robes of Khintaset] Inv bracer leather cataclysm b 01.png [Bracers of the Verdant Cradle]
Inv belt plate cataclysm b 02.png [Misappropriated Girdle of Khartut] Inv mace 1h cataclysm b 02.png [Tombbreaker Mace]
Inv mace 1h cataclysm b 02.png [Tombbreaker Gavel]

You will also receive:


Is it done, <name>? The expedition members cannot be saved.


They couldn't be saved, <name>. The ancient curse that fell upon them is irrevocable.


Tumet offers this side chain after N [30-35] The Defense of Nahom. Head immediately south of the pyramid to reach the Sunstone Terrace. There, leper gnomes litter the area. Go killing. The leper gnomes will drop the  [A.I.D.A. Communicator], which starts N [30-35] Artificial Intelligence.


  1. N [30-35] The Curse of the Tombs (optional)
  2. N [30-35] Artificial Intelligence
  3. N [30-35] A Disarming Distraction / N [30-35] Core Access Codes
  4. N [30-35] Hacking the Wibson
  5. N [30-35] Gnomebliteration

Patch changes

External links