The Curse of Mepjila

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HordeThe Curse of Mepjila
Start Kimbul
End Kimbul
Level 30-60
Category Vol'dun
Experience 20,560 (at level 110)
Reputation +150 Tortollan Seekers
Rewards 38g 80s (at level 110)
Previous H [30-60] Offering for the Loa
Next H [30-60] Wrath of the Tiger


Defeat the spirit of Mepjila.


Centuries ago, the sea witch Mepjila attacked my temple with an army of naga invaders.

My followers fought bravely, but I arrived too late to save them.

I defeated the naga army with ease. But as I closed my jaws around Mepjila, she placed a curse upon the spirits of my followers, locking them in an eternal battle they can never win.

This mask will give you the power to enter the spirit realm and end their nightmare.

Defeat the spirit of Mepjila and the curse will be broken.


You will receive:


You must break the curse and free the captive souls of my followers.


At long last, my ancient followers have found peace. You have served well, <name>.


Use the  [Spirit Mask] to enter a spirit realm version of the Temple of Kimbul. Here, Kimbul is missing, and ghostly Temple Defenders are either standing guard or rushing out of the temple and down the stairs to the Terrace of the Fang. Upon heading down from the temple to the uppermost terrace:

Temple Defender says: De temple is under attack! We must summon de loa!

Heading another level down:

Temple Defender says: Where is Eraka no Kimbul? De temple is being overrun!
Kimbul says: The spirits of my followers are caught in an unending battle.
Kimbul says: The only way to break the curse is to slay the spirit of Mepjila.
Temple Defender says: De naga are too strong! We cannot hold dem off much longer!

Finally, head down another level, where Temple Defenders are engaged in battle with Naga Invaders. Summoner Mepjila is standing a short distance away at [60.6, 13.2], surrounded by several dead Temple Defenders and accompanied by a Greater Tide Elemental. Mepjila is immune to crowd control. After killing her, remove the Spirit Mask buff to return to the world of the living and run back up the stairs to the Temple of Kimbul, which is now filled with Ancient Spirits. Talk to Kimbul to turn in.

Temple Defender says: You have done it! De temple is saved!
Temple Defender says: Mepjila has been defeated! We are saved!
Temple Defender says: Rejoice! De sea witch Mepjila is defeated!

On completion:

Kimbul says: You have broken the curse of Mepjila and brought peace to the souls of my ancient followers.
Kimbul says: However, one task yet remains. Speak with me when you are ready to confront the Stormcoil army.


  1. H [30-60] The Tortaka Tribe
  2. H [30-60] Crab Trapping & H [30-60] Hidden Motives & H [30-60] They Came From The Sea
  3. H [30-60] The Elder's Wisdom
  4. H [30-60] The Ruined Temple
  5. H [30-60] All Webbed Up & H [30-60] Blessing of Kimbul & H [30-60] Jungleweb Infestation
  6. H [30-60] Offering for the Loa
  7. H [30-60] The Curse of Mepjila
  8. H [30-60] Wrath of the Tiger
  9. H [30-60] Mark of the Loa

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