The Countess's Best Friend

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VenthyrThe Countess's Best Friend
Start The Countess
End The Countess
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Ember Court
Rewards [Permanent RSVP]

The Countess's Best Friend is a level 60 Venthyr Covenant quest that becomes available after reaching Best Friend status with The Countess through the Ember Court.


Redelav Tower basks in the joy of your every footstep here, <name>.

I wish you were able to visit more often, but it is always so with best friends. Do you not agree?

<The Countess embraces you warmly.>

I have nothing to ask of you today, my dear. I covet your friendship alone.

I trust you appreciate how rare it is to find true, genuine friendship among the lemmings of the court.

But of course you do. You are the host of the finest court in all of Revendreth!



Quest completion
Congratulations, my beautiful <name>. Your court is magnificent, and so are you.

Patch changes

External links