The Breath of Har'koa

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  • The Breath of Har'koa
  • Imbues the target with the ability to cross-over into the underworld at the Altar of Quetz'lun.

The Breath of Har'koa is a buff given by Har'koa on completion of the quest N [20-30] Preparations for the Underworld.

Har'koa preparing a character for Quetz'lun's underworld

It is applied for 10 seconds, then vanishes again.

The buff itself is not important; it flags you for a variety of phase change at the Altar of Quetz'lun. Until you complete the quest chain, when you approach the altar of Quetz'lun you will "leave your material body behind", moving into the 'underworld' (with the buff  [Ghostly]). The world will appear in the monotones used when you are a ghost.

This is similar to the effect of the  [Bash'ir Phasing Device].

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