The Brand Holds the Key

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NeutralThe Brand Holds the Key

Brethlun the Brand
Start Cage [38.4, 48.5]
End Ve'nari [36.6, 50.8]
Level 53-60
Category Maldraxxus
Experience 9,200
Rewards 24g 57s
Previous N [53-60] A Cooling Trail
Next N [53-60] Hope Never Dies


Find the key to free Darion.


<Darion is unresponsive. The cage is locked, and doesn't appear easily broken.

Perhaps the holder of the key is this "Brand" he mentioned.>


You will also receive:

  • 24g 57s
  • 9,200 XP


Are you willing to listen to my proposition?


My, my. Today certainly has been full of surprises!

Now, mortal, I'm curious what has brought you back to the Maw.


Loop clockwise to the northwest and head up the stairs to find Brethlun the Brand. Aggro him:

Brethlun the Brand says: You will fall, and I will claim another weapon for my collection.

Defeat him, loot the key, then return to Darion's cage and free him:

Highlord Darion Mograine says: My thanks, <name>. Now that I am free, I should soon regain my strength.
Highlord Darion Mograine says: How long have I been trapped in the Maw? A day? An eternity?
Highlord Darion Mograine says: Careful. The Jailer's eyes are everywhere.
Darion walks outside. Suddenly, a Mawsworn Myrmidon lands in front of him.
Mawsworn Myrmidon yells: You will never escape the Maw!
Moments later, Darion, the player, and the Myrmidon are stunned for a few seconds as a broker swoops in.
Ve'nari says: Ah, I was curious what the Mawsworn were searching for. You are that mortal who swept through and thwarted the Jailer's festivities.
The Myrmidon disintegrates. Darion and the player are freed.
Ve'nari says: I am Ve'nari, a humble broker trapped in this land of torment. I have a proposition for you. Come!
Ve'nari and Darion walk to the west.
Highlord Darion Mograine says: Why would you aid us, broker?
Ve'nari says: Your presence here draws attention. The sort of attention that's bad for my business dealings. No offense, of course.

Talk to Ve'nari to turn in.


  1. N [53-60] Among the Chosen
  2. N [53-60] The Maw
  3. N [53-60] Seeking the Baron
  4. N [53-60] The Hunt for the Baron
  5. N [53-60] A Cooling Trail
  6. N [53-60] The Brand Holds the Key
  7. N [53-60] Hope Never Dies
  8. N [53-60] Delving Deeper
  9. N [53-60] A Bond Beyond Death
  10. N [53-60] Wake of Ashes
  11. N [53-60] Maw Walker
  12. N [53-60] A Soul Saved


During the alpha, this quest was named Brethlun the Brand.


Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv pant cloth oribosquesting b 01.png [Corpse-Stitcher's Trousers] Inv pant oribosquesting b 01.png [Deceitful Agent's Legwraps]
Inv mail oribosquesting b 01 pants.png [Flesh Architect's Greaves] Inv pant plate oribosquesting b 01.png [Cruel Executioner's Greaves]

Patch changes

External links